The Long Version

Retired broadcast journalist. Blogging helps scratch the itch. Recovering exRepublican – Sober and still Conservative.

Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

India’s Ivermectin Blackout

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Part I of a series on the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in India

Authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

News of India’s defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one’s face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it.

Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it. Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.

One can see the bias in Wikipedia by going on the “talk” pages for each subject and reading about the fierce attempts of editors to add these facts and the stone wall refusals by the “senior” editors who have an agenda. And that agenda is not loyalty to your health.

The easy way to read the “talk” page on any Wikipedia subject is to click the top left “talk” button. Anyone can then review the editors’ discussions.

There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India. When I discussed the dire straits that India found itself in early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day, and how that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, I am often asked, “But why is there no mention of that in the news?”

Yes, exactly. Ask yourself why India’s success against the Delta variant with Ivermectin is such a closely guarded secret by the NIH and CDC. Second, ask yourself why no major media outlets reported this fact, but instead, tried to confuse you with false information by saying the deaths in India are 10 times greater than official reports.

Perhaps NPR is trying so hard because NPR is essentially a government mouthpiece. The US government is “all-in” with vaccines with the enthusiasm of a 17th century Catholic Church “all-in” with a Geocentric Model of the Universe disputing Galileo. Claiming that India’s numbers are inaccurate might distract from the overwhelming success of Ivermectin.

But in the end, the truth matters. It mattered in 1616, and it matters in 2021.

India Uttar Pradesh State Data COVID/Ivermectin

The graphs and data from the Johns Hopkins University CSSE database do not lie. On the contrary, they provide a compelling trail of truth that no one can dispute, not even the NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO.

Just as Galileo proved with his telescope that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe in 1616; today, the data from India shows that Ivermectin is effective, much more so than the vaccines. It not only prevents death, but it also prevents COVID infections, and it also is effective against the Delta Variant.

In 1616, you could not make up the telescopic images of Jupiter and its orbiting moons, nor could you falsify the crescent-shaped images of Venus and Mercury. These proved that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe – a truth the Catholic Church could not allow.

Likewise, the massive drop in cases and deaths in India to almost nothing after the addition of Ivermectin proved the drug’s effectiveness. This is a truth that the NIH, CDC, and FDA cannot allow because it would endanger the vaccine policy.

Never mind that Ivermectin would save more lives with much less risk, much less cost, and it would end the pandemic quickly.

Let us look at the burgundy-colored graph of Uttar Pradesh. First, allow me to thank Juan Chamie, a highly-respected Cambridge-based data analyst, who created this graph from the JHU CSSE data. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India that contains 241 million people. The United States’ population is 331 million people. Therefore, Uttar Pradesh can be compared to the United States, with 2/3 of our population size.

This data shows how Ivermectin knocked their COVID-19 cases and deaths – which we know were Delta Variant – down to almost zero within weeks. A population comparable to the US went from about 35,000 cases and 350 deaths per day to nearly ZERO within weeks of adding Ivermectin to their protocol.

By comparison, the United States is the lower graph. On August 5, here in the good ol’ USA, blessed with the glorious vaccines, we have 127,108 new cases per day and 574 new deaths.

Let us look at the August 5 numbers from Uttar Pradesh with 2/3 of our population. Uttar Pradesh, using Ivermectin, had a total of 26 new cases and exactly THREE deaths. The US without Ivermectin has precisely 4889 times as many daily cases and 191 times as many deaths as Uttar Pradesh with Ivermectin.

It is not even close. Countries do orders of magnitude better WITH Ivermectin. It might be comparable to the difference in travel between using an automobile versus a horse and buggy.


Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin:  Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 26

COVID Daily Deaths: 3

The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 127,108

COVID Daily Deaths: 574

Let us look at other Ivermectin using areas of India with numbers from August 5, 2021, compiled by the JHU CSSE:

Delhi on Ivermectin: Population 31 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 61

COVID Daily Deaths: 2

Uttarakhand on Ivermectin: Population 11.4 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 24

COVID Daily Deaths: 0

Now let us look at an area of India that rejected Ivermectin.

Tamil Nadu announced they would reject Ivermectin and instead follow the dubious USA-style guidance of using Remdesivir. Knowing this, you might expect their numbers to be closer to the US, with more cases and more deaths. You would be correct. Tamil Nadu went on to lead India in COVID-19 cases.

Tamil Nadu continues to suffer for its choice to reject Ivermectin. As a result, the Delta variant continues to ravage their citizens while it was virtually wiped out in the Ivermectin-using states. Likewise, in the United States, without Ivermectin, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated continue to spread the Delta variant like wildfire.

Tamil Nadu off Ivermectin: Population 78.8 Million [6.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 1,997

COVID Daily Deaths: 33

Like the JHU CSSE data, Galileo’s telescope did not lie either, and the truth can usually be found in plain sight. Ivermectin works, and it works exceedingly well. Harvard-trained virologist Dr. George Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson of California’s Imperial Valley, have saved 99.9% of their patients with a COVID Cocktail that includes Ivermectin. They have released versions of their new book published in the Desert Review that everyone should read.

I could talk about how every one of my patients who used Ivermectin recovered rapidly, about my most recent case who felt 90% better within 48 hours of adding the drug, but I won’t. I could write about how Wikipedia censors more than Pravda, about how you should always read the “talk” section of EVERY Wikipedia article to go behind the scenes and understand what the editors DO NOT want you to read, but I will refrain.

I could write about VAERS and how it is so much easier to navigate by following Open VAERS or how Wikipedia has unfairly portrayed Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s sharpest and most credible doctors. But I will hold back.

I could also discuss our current cancer treatment system’s dangers and how chemotherapy and radiation stimulate cancer stem cells and cancer recurrence. About how this information has been suppressed and how the addition of repurposed drug cocktails can help prevent this, but I digress.

I could recite the history of early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 with repurposed drugs, including Ivermectin, with all the specifics, and EXACTLY WHY this lifesaving information has been censored, but instead, I will leave researching these topics to each of you readers as individuals.

Because you already know what will happen if you simply sit back and swallow what the media are feeding you. You MUST question what the government tells you, and always DO YOUR OWN research.

Following the 1616 Inquisition of Galileo, the Pope banned all books and letters that argued the sun was the center of the Universe instead of the Earth. Similarly, today, the FDA and WHO have banned any use of Ivermectin for COVID outside of a clinical trial.

YouTube and Wikipedia both consider Ivermectin for COVID as heresy.

“YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19… Treatment misinformation: claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.”

Wikipedia defines heresy as:  “any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular the accepted beliefs of a church or religious organization. The term is usually used in reference to violations of important religious teachings, but is also used of views strongly opposed to any generally accepted ideas. A heretic is a proponent of heresy.”

Heresy is disagreeing with the government, or their health authority, even if they are all wrong and even if their policies harm people. Today we no longer call it heresy; it is labeled as misinformation.

Galileo was found guilty of heresy and sentenced on June 22, 1633, to formal imprisonment, although this was commuted to house arrest, under which he remained for the rest of his life.

On August 7, 2021 Medpage Today published a new quiz, “Can COVID Misinformation Cost You Your Medical License?”

Written by DCL

September 18, 2021 at 7:15 pm

Is it Bad to Say I Told You So? …I Guess I Just Did.

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Since May of 2020 I have been writing occasionally about the things I’ve read, seen, heard, discovered, and learned about COVID, the PCR tests, the “vaccines”, and the politics that have been thoroughly mixed into every part of the pandemic.

I learned early on, by reading the CDC literature, that a virus was never isolated by any definition or scientific standard. Jon Rappoport, a veteran investigative journalist in the medical and health field, made this clear in his research. They didn’t have a virus per se, they had a soup of goop pulled out of someone’s nasal cavity which they would mix with another soup they make in their laboratories to see if any cells get “infected” by something in the combined soup bowl. Then they would amplify it millions of times using the PCR test until they saw something that indicated a person may have the virus. A case. A case didn’t have to show symptoms and suddenly, belying all previous science, asymptomatic people were a danger to others.

Throughout 2020 cases were blowing up around the world. Cases became synonymous with infection. Everything modern medicine knew about viruses miraculously changed when public health married partisan politics and “we’ve never done anything like this before” became blanket policy. Lockdowns, masks, and separation led to panic, division, anger, and tribalism. The flip flops seemed to arrive weekly. “No need for masks,” they said. “Everyone should wear a mask,” they then insisted. “Kid’s are very low risk for infection or transmission,” they assured us. “Mask your kids, separate them, no recess, no mingling, we can’t have them infecting their teachers” they demanded. Little of it made any sense and even less was corroborated by the science. The pre-2020 science that is… In 2020 common sense and science became a conspiracy stance and syunce.

They did everything in their power, using every means available, to convince America the draconian policies they were implementing were effective and necessary, but after a year and a half the data said otherwise.

The beautiful thing about truth is it does eventually find its way to the surface no matter how hard those who fear it try to bury it. The beautiful thing about the technological age we live in is it’s much harder to completely hide the truth, which means a campaign of misinformation and disinformation must also be implemented to keep the masses from paying attention to those “other information sources” where the truth tends to bubble up and that happened too.

Today Mr. Rappoport once again blew away the smoke and shattered the mirrors of big tech, big media, and big pharma with verifiable, documented proof that what he and others have been reporting, and I have been sharing, is true and the general public has been fed a very sophisticated and narrated mixed cocktail of truth and fiction this entire time. Manufactured by politicians and politically motivated public health officials, perpetuated by mainstream news media, and ultimately parroted and defended by decent people who STILL want to believe the leaders in these arenas would never lie to them.

I apologize for that long lead-in. But sometimes tooting your own horn feels too good to pass up.

Here’s the latest:

CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
by Jon Rappoport

The CDC has issued a document that bulges with interesting and devastating admissions.

The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” [1] It begins explosively:

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” I don’t think the CDC is saying that at all.

They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” [2] [2a] Here is a killer quote:

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation.[Emphasis added] While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, it’s unbelievable, right? And that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And, “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.

BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”: [[3] thru [3i]]

They have a soup they make in their labs.

This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients.

There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.

Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.”

Other than that, it’s perfect.















Written by DCL

July 29, 2021 at 3:46 pm

Posted in Health, News, Politics, Science

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Social Media Censorship: “Oh No You Don’t!”

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The Social Media giants have moved so far to the left and have become so political, driven by an extreme ideology, that what was once a bastion for free thought, speech, and communication, is now a dictatorial groupthink tank where those who do not share the same thoughts and ideas, or comply with the dictators demands, are ostracized, punished, and/or banned.

The Twitter that helped the world see the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party through the tweets of Chinese human rights activists in 2010 is, only a decade later, the Twitter of censorship and selective activism spawned from classic cultural Marxism.

This dramatic shift in what will and what will not be allowed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is far from being just an ideological war on words. It is now putting people’s lives at risk by removing and banning truth and evidentiary information simply because that truth and evidence doesn’t align with the dictatorial edicts of the founders of those platforms.

Case in point, yesterday I posted an article by journalist and Senior Editor at, Daniel Horowitz, discussing ongoing censorship of medical doctors and researchers regarding the outpatient treatment of COVID-19 using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. It is well researched and fact laden and in my opinion a must read for anyone wanting to learn about very real and very effective options to treating COVID even at late or more advanced stages of the disease. You can READ IT HERE.

Within minutes of posting I received this notification from Facebook:

Facebook CensorshipFalse information?!? Resulting in physical harm? Are you kidding me? It’s the suppression of this information that is resulting in unnecessary suffering and deaths around the world!

Incensed by this rebuke and outright lie by Facebook, I took a screen shot determined to make it clear this was not false information and that Facebook was censoring verifiable truth and documented science. So I posted the screen shots with a short line that read: “Share an article about censorship and get censored. FB knows more about medicine than my doctor…”

Immediately another notification popped up on my screen. Facebook had seen enough. They were putting me in Time Out.
















Harassment and bullying? Wait…what?

Facebook slapped me with a 24 hour suspension for attempting to shame them in their dishonesty which in their liberal world is “harassment and bullying.” Well, they showed me by golly! They even blocked the screenshots so no one could see their pathetic actions. Next a notification popped up explaining their lie and why their opinion is more important and accurate than the truth. Then another notification popped up asking me if I agreed or disagreed with their decision. Of course, I disagreed and this was their reply:

I have to be brutally honest I would have been less angry and frustrated had they just replied like this:


So there I was, banished for 24 hours for being so bold as to scoff at the Face of the Book. Any attempt to like or comment on other posts resulted in a quick reminder of my crime.


Personally this wasn’t a big deal, but professionally it kinda was. I manage and moderate several Facebook groups for clients of mine. Guess what? Once Facebook finds you guilty of defying their dictatorial edicts, your punishment goes beyond activity on your personal page. They don’t let you do anything, not even unrelated work on someone else’s page or group as an admin. The Silicon Valley soy boys really know how to throw a virtual punch. My mouse is stinging.

Finally, on March 18, 2021 at 1:00 PM Mountain Standard Time I was released from my 24 hour detention…now to find a way to get that article up on Facebook.

I wonder how long the sentencing is for a second conviction?


Written by DCL

March 18, 2021 at 1:55 pm

Talent On Loan From God

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Rush Limbaugh

I first heard Rush Limbaugh in 1988 on KFI AM radio as I drove through SoCal traffic from Moreno Valley to Anaheim and back every week, Monday through Friday. Those of you who’ve lived in Southern California know how that commute along the 91 freeway provides plenty of slowdown time where there isn’t much else to do but listen to the radio.

I was 28 years-old, married with two little boys and a little girl on the way and just living life day to day, working to provide for my small but growing family. I had no real political identity at the time other than I voted for Ronald Reagan twice.

To be honest I can’t remember how I discovered Limbaugh. Whether someone recommended tuning in or if I just stumbled onto him one day, but I remember how his words resonated with the principles and values I had always held and believed in and I was hooked. It was his understanding of the founding principles of our nation, the founders themselves through their writings, and the documents they crafted to create the greatest and freest nation on earth, that ultimately won my admiration. Not all of his opinions aligned perfectly with mine. Sometimes we even disagreed, though usually such disagreements were on his chosen delivery or the stinging way in which he sometimes made his point. I understand why he delivered his daily monologue and opinions the way he did and it could come across as rude, belittling, or sarcastic, (for those listening in Loma Linda) but it got your attention and if you could get past the showmanship and not be offended, you’d learn something.

It was Rush Limbaugh who helped me solidify my identity as a political conservative.

I know his sarcasm and criticism coupled with his staunch unrelenting conservative positions rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. His detractors and haters are many, but what human being throughout recorded history who wasn’t afraid to stand on their convictions, on principle, and what he or she believed was right and true to their last dying breath, didn’t have haters? I’ve always maintained the real haters, those who sickeningly and despicably celebrated today, never listened to his shows. Never listened long enough to understand the context in his opinions or the depth of his analysis, which always circled back (Jen are you listening?) to the profound conservative principles he so thoroughly understood and taught. I’m confident they only listened to the carefully chosen sound bites fed to them by their chosen like-minded media and the pundits who interpreted Limbaugh’s words for them.

Their loss.

Needless to say he was a lightening rod.

The announcement of his passing today by his wife Kathryn, who took the microphone in his place was, sadly, not unexpected. It was just too soon. He hadn’t been on-air for several weeks and then, during what would be his final on-air appearance, the weakness from the illness that was slowly eating away at his lungs could be heard in his voice. He apologized to his audience for his periodic coughs or need to clear his throat, but he pushed through and gave his fans 3 solid hours of pure Rush.

Back in December Rush said this to his listeners, “The day’s gonna come folks when I’m not gonna be able to do this. I don’t know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it and I want you to understand that, even when that day comes, I’d like to be here. ‘Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me.” Rush genuinely loved his audience.

Rush Limbaugh single handedly changed radio. He created and grew a medium while providing the personality, charisma, and style necessary to catapult conservatism into the mainstream and help millions come to know and understand those principles in their purest unapologetic form. He is solely responsible for bringing millions of Americans into the conservative movement and for schooling millions of Liberals on who and what we really are.

I am proud to be counted in his audience and among his fans. He was not a perfect man. He admitted and reflected on his flaws but he never dwelt on them and he never let them define him. He was unabashedly optimistic and confident. He fought through his trials and came away better for them and he encouraged his listeners to do the same in our own lives.

Today God decided it was time to take the talent back, but He couldn’t do it without taking the man.

Heaven is better for it.

Thank you Mr. Limbaugh. God rest your soul.

Written by DCL

February 17, 2021 at 4:55 pm

PCR Tests “Whoops, our bad! We’ll fix that.”

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WHO Notice on PCR TestsThe Law of Truly Large Numbers says, there are no coincidences.

A month ago I shared information gleaned from the CDC and Jon Rappaport, an investigative journalist who has done the deepest dive into the COVID-19 data of anyone I’ve encountered to date.

Rappaport has made some startling and controversial claims in his blog, but he has always provided source citations and often uses the “words of the experts” to incriminate the experts. The information I shared previously explained flaws in the PCR tests, how it was administered, and how it had no apparent standard. The result was millions of positive “cases” over the past year even when a majority of those cases (people) never experienced a symptom.

Where this became a serious problem was with regard to state governments basing their covid lockdown policies and mandates on case numbers. The rights and freedoms of Americans in all 50 states were severely restricted and in some cases stripped completely. When journalists or physicians questioned the tests, they were ignored or silenced. It became politically incorrect to question the authorities, because, for heaven sakes people were dying! How could anyone be so cold hearted and question those who were just trying to save lives?

But every American life was being grossly effected by government edicts based on bad data from tests that were being grossly mishandled. As a side note and in a twist of irony, all other leading forms of death in the US in 2020 decreased while COVID deaths filled the gaps. A study published by Johns Hopkins University made this astonishing discovery. It was so astonishing and controversial that Johns Hopkins retracted it almost as soon as it was published, but not before the cat was out of the bag and a fleeting moment of transparency exposed the narrative again.

Now to the “coincidence” which occurred this month on the very day the new president of the United States officially took office. The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a little-noticed technical report that calls into question many of the policies that we have adopted to control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. At the heart of all the data on COVID-19 cases is the, you guessed it, PCR tests.

According to The Hill, “the WHO’s guidance on the RT-PCR test emphasizes two things that have long been known in the scientific literature and public health practice but inexplicably ignored in COVID policy for almost a year. First, they point out that a positive COVID test does not necessarily mean that someone has any capacity of infecting someone else with the virus. Therefore, it instructs laboratories to report a key statistic that indicates how likely a positive test result actually constitutes infectious COVID-19. And second, the WHO warns against relying on a single test for patients without clinical COVID-19 symptoms.”

Observation #1: This is a contradiction to the daily narrative repeated by the media throughout 2020. Yes, they briefly discussed a problem with false positive tests, but quickly made it appear they were not a problem and “new tests” were better and false positives were rare. This wasn’t true, but it’s what people came to believe and even defend and governments continued to use case numbers, not the number of infections but the number of cases (positive tests), to continue their lockdowns and mandates.

The report goes on to say, “the PCR test is not designed to identify active infectious disease but rather genetic material (dead, alive or partial) from the virus. PCR amplifies this material in samples to find traces of COVID-19, so while it often identifies people with active, infectious disease, it can also indicate people as “positive” erroneously. Dead COVID-19 RNA in the nose or mouth of someone who was never sick could create a positive PCR result. Recovered patients who test negative and are non-infectious can still come up positive repeatedly in the following months. These are neither new cases nor infectious ones needing quarantine but could be incorrectly counted as such.”

Are you listening governors?

Continuing, the report indicates “multiple studies showing that the number of amplification or duplication “cycles” performed via PCR to amplify the sample has a relationship with infectiousness – at a certain point, the more cycles needed to get positivity from a sample the generally less viral replication the sample shows.” In plain English this means the more cycles the more positives. Meaningless positives. “An article in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that among positive PCR samples with a cycle count over 35 – a common lab occurrence – only 3 percent of samples showed viral replication.” This really tells us that the high number of daily cases was due to bad testing, but no one will admit it.

Observation #2: In my previous article Case vs Infection – The COVID Con I discuss the problem with the cycles used in the PCR tests and how there didn’t seem to be any real standard. Here’s a portion of that report.

The PCR test is run in “cycles.” Each cycle is a quantum leap in amplifying or magnifying the original tiny, tiny piece of material taken from the patient’s swab sample. It’s like blowing up a small photo to an amazing size.

The question is: how many cycles should the PCR test be run at? This is vital issue, because the number of cycles changes the result.

July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology” [1]: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (starting at about the 4-minute mark [1]): “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

That’s called a false positive.

Here’s the kicker. The FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, was recommending the test be run at 40 cycles. Uhhh, Houston, we have a problem.

The lapdog media was quick to jump to the rescue and make sure we all understood the WHO wasn’t admitting the testing was flawed or giving misleading numbers of cases, they were just making sure the test was being correctly administered with a “standard.” The Associated Press and Politifact and the social media fact checkers were quick to place their spin on the report to make sure NO ONE attempted to use this new information to demean or refute the media’s long held narratives. Politifact headline: “WHO did not say PCR tests grossly inflate positive test numbers.” Well, not in those words perhaps, therefore they can say that claim is FALSE.

The Hill concludes, “The questionable quality of COVID-19 testing data, alongside loose COVID-19 case definitions, means we cannot effectively work to build an efficient, effective system to address the disease at the individual or community level. Data that are available now are inadequate to inform local and statewide policymakers, business owners, school administrators and the public at large. As we collectively understand trends in infectiousness and fine tune our testing system, we can act more effectively and efficiently, and reduce disruption to people’s lives, schools and businesses.”

Translation: Now that Trump is gone we can be honest and use the PCR tests as intended and with the proper number of cycles which will result in a dramatic reduction in the number of positive tests (cases) allowing governors to stop shredding the constitution and giving Joe Biden credit for defeating the evil China Virus…whoops that term has been banned…I mean, evil COVID-19 and bringing freedom back to the Democracy by way of Executive Order. Or something like that.


Written by DCL

January 29, 2021 at 10:04 pm

Double Standards are the Only Standards Left

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Double Standards definition

There are two major political ideologies in America.

Left and Right. Liberal and Conservative.

In 2021 that appears likely to change to just one when it comes to control of the federal government. The Progressive-Democrat-Socialists have managed to gain total control of the Presidency, House, and Senate and they have wasted no time doing what they have wanted to do for decades: eliminate their opposition.

One method to accomplish this goal is having the ability make the rules. However, when making those rules make them such that they only apply to one side, the opposing side. Double standards are manipulative and dishonest at their core. They are infuriating and damaging to anyone on the wrong side. They are the height of hypocrisy and have no place in political discourse or societal governance, yet by all indication that is exactly how the game is going to be played in 2021.

Consider these examples:

Stating condemnation for what occurred at the Nation’s Capitol Building last week is only accepted if you’re a Democrat. If you’re a Republican you are an insurrectionist or domestic terrorist by default. These sentiments have been parroted by Left Wing media and Democrats holding public office. According to CNN’s Don Lemon, you are allied with ‘The Klan and Nazis’ if you even voted for Donald Trump.

President Trump called for protests that would be ‘peaceful and patriotic’ and he got labeled a national security threat. Even though CNN has reported that authorities now know the storming of the Capitol was a “planned event’ and intelligence agencies knew at least 2 weeks before January 6th of these plans. But on the other side, Representative Maxine Waters, from California, can call on her supporters to get ‘physical’ and ‘in the faces’ of Republicans and she gets the chairmanship of the financial services committee.

Republican members of congress, utilized a process described in the constitution to offer an objection due to the improper and unconstitutional changes made to the election rules in some states and they were labeled seditionists. Democrats in congress raised money for groups who attacked our police, burned our cities, destroyed our businesses, and established autonomous zones, but they were celebrated as justice warriors.

Last week Democrats called for unity, democracy, and healing. Days later, seeking power and political advantage the Democrats have gone back to their natural state. The party of impeachment, removal, and division.

Jim McGovern, the Democrat Chair of the House Rules Committee, said in his opening remarks during the 2021 impeachment proceedings, that “Republicans last week voted to overturn the results of an election!” Guess who was the first objector to Donald Trump’s election on January 6th 2017? The very first objector was none other than Jim McGovern. Guess which state he objected to? Alabama. The very first state called. Alabama. President Trump won Alabama by 30 points.

They can object to Alabama in 2017 with no grounds or evidence to support them, but then turn around and tell Republicans they can’t object to Pennsylvania in 2021 when there are legal grounds and evidence to support it.

  • Pennsylvania, where the state Supreme Court unilaterally extended the election from Tuesday to Friday without legislative input.
  • Pennsylvania, where the Secretary of State unilaterally changed the rules, ignoring the constitutional role of the state legislature to make changes to election laws.
  • Pennsylvania, where county clerks in some counties and you can imagine which ones, let people “fix” their ballots. That’s against the law. They allowed them to take secured mail-in ballots and “fix” them in direct violation of the law.

But they accuse the Republicans of trying to overturn the election and the media nods its collective head in agreement and reports it as if it was fact.

Guess who the second objector was in 2017? Jamie Raskin, the Congressional Representative managing impeachment number two for the Democrats.

Democrats objected to more states in 2017 than Republicans did last week but somehow this time it’s wrong.

Democrats can raise bail for rioters and looters last summer, but when Republicans condemn all violence, including the violence last summer and the violence last week, they are wrong.

Democrats were willing to investigate the President of the United States for fours years, but will not even look at an election that 80 million Americans, half the electorate, both Republicans and Democrats, have doubts about.

Americans are tired of the double standards.

These examples are from just the past week.

When will ALL fair-minded people, regardless of political affiliation, stand up and demand the double standards end?

How long before you’re on the other side of a double standard? Or do you suppose that will never happen?

If you’re a Democrat, you may be right. Your political opposition may be silenced forever.

But don’t think that’s a good thing.

Written by DCL

January 13, 2021 at 5:23 pm

Posted in Politics

The Great Reset

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by Justin Haskins

On Nov. 3, Joe Biden could be elected the next president of the United States, but most Americans still do not know the truth about Biden’s radical ideology.

Despite having sold himself as a “moderate” Democrat for decades, Biden has consistently shown that his views on globalism and America’s place in the world are far from mainstream.

This argument is best proven by examining Biden’s close ties to the World Economic Forum, which is now pushing for a remarkably troubling “Great Reset” of capitalism, and the many statements Biden has made over the past several years echoing Great Reset ideology.

The Great Reset movement has been widely adopted by numerous world leaders, including the head of the United Nations, Prince Charles, the International Monetary Fund, international trade unions, and CEOs of major corporations.

Using the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change as the justifications for a fundamental transformation of the world’s economy, the Great Reset movement aims to destroy modern capitalism and replace it with a system that embraces numerous left-wing social programs, such as basic income systems and the Green New Deal, as well as force all corporations around the world to adopt leftist social justice causes.

In an article published on the World Economic Forum’s website, WEF founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab — who is spearheading much of the Great Reset movement globally — wrote that “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” Schwab also wrote. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

Schwab and other supporters of the Great Reset blame many of the world’s problems on the perceived failure of the existing “social contract” and what they call “shareholder capitalism” — the current economic system in much of the Western world.

Under “shareholder capitalism,” individuals can buy shares of companies, which are then expected to produce goods and services they can sell to customers for a profit. (Sounds terrible, I know!)

Although Biden, to my knowledge, has never been asked directly about whether he supports the Great Reset, he has made numerous comments echoing similar talking points. For example, in July, Biden called for the end of the “era of shareholder capitalism.”

Additionally, just like the World Economic Forum and supporters of the Great Reset, Biden has said government should use the coronavirus pandemic as a justification to “rewrite the social contract” of the United States.

Biden’s “Build Back Better” plans also come straight out of the Great Reset movement’s playbook. For many years, supporters of the Great Reset at the World Economic Forum and elsewhere have talked about “building back better” by dramatically expanding the power of government, pursuing costly “green” infrastructure plans, and substantially increasing the authority of international institutions.

Biden’s proposals would do just that, and the “Build Back Better” name is just too similar to what others affiliated with the Great Reset movement and/or the World Economic Forum have said to be a mere coincidence.

For example, in 2016, a development specialist at the World Bank, discussing climate change-related natural disasters, wrote for the WEF, “The pressure for governments now is not to wait until a disaster strikes to ‘build back better.’ Instead, the urgent need is to build better now, and to thoroughly assess current risks to industrial infrastructure.”

In May 2020, the World Economic Forum posted to its website an article titled “‘Building Back Better’ — Here’s How We Can Navigate the Risks We Face After COVID-19,” in which the writer argued, “We have looked at ways to ‘build back better’ and it’s very clear that investing in greener economies is going to be a huge part of recovery efforts.”

On July 13, 2020, less than a week after Biden called for an “end to the era of shareholder capitalism” while promoting his own “Build Back Better” plan, the World Economic Forum published a piece titled “To Build Back Better, We Must Reinvent Capitalism. Here’s How.”

And these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many others showing the WEF using the “build back better” slogan prior to and following Biden’s release of his Build Back Better policy proposals.

Biden also has close ties to numerous Great Reset advocates and leaders at the World Economic Forum, where Biden has on multiple occasions delivered keynote addresses.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry — the co-chair of Joe Biden’s climate change “Unity Taskforce” and a man many believe could serve in Biden’s administration — has publicly backed the Great Reset and called for reforms to the American “social contract.”

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has been named to Biden’s transition team, is a member of the WEF’s Forum of Young Global LeadersButtigieg’s climate policy adviser, David Victor, is affiliated with the World Economic Forum and authored in June 2020 a lengthy article for Yale University titled “Building Back Better: Why Europe Must Lead a Global Green Recovery.”

Further, Biden has close relationships with at least three World Economic Forum board members who support, to varying degrees, the Great Reset platform: Al Gore, David Rubenstein, and Laurence Fink, the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, whom many Democratic donors have reportedly pushed to be Biden’s choice for treasury secretary.

Additionally, WEF board member and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff is a longtime supporter of Kamala Harris, Biden’s 2020 running mate.

More evidence of Biden’s intimate relationship with Great Reset advocates can be found in the launch of the Biden Institute, which is based at the University of Delaware. In 2017, when the Biden Institute first started, Biden said he wanted to model some of the new organization’s activities after the World Economic Forum, and he even met with the WEF’s leader and the world’s biggest advocate of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, to help develop a plan for the future of the Institute.

Taken together, Biden’s policy plans, campaign messaging, and connections with key Great Reset figures seem to point toward a very troubling conclusion: Joe Biden is likely an advocate of the radical Great Reset, a proposal that, if enacted, would completely overhaul the world’s economy in favor of more collectivism and the centralization of power in the hands of international elites.

That might sound unbelievable, but when there’s smoke, there’s almost always fire.

Justin Haskins ( is editor-in-chief of and the editorial director of The Heartland Institute.

This article was originally posted by

Written by DCL

October 26, 2020 at 3:27 pm

The Left’s Game Plan for November 3, 2020

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Election 2020You may or may not be familiar with something called the Transition Integrity Project.

You should be.

It is an alliance of Never-Trumpers and Democratic Party operatives who formed a group to war game the 2020 election.

According to The National Pulse, it was founded by Nils Gilman, a professor of the history of the intelligentsia at the University of California at Berkeley, and Rosa Brooks, a former Obama Pentagon official and the daughter of former Democratic Socialists of America co-chair Barbara Ehrenreich.

Members of the group include John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Donna Brazile, Jennifer Granholm, David Frum, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Michael Steele, members of the Lincoln Project, and other high level political operatives.

You get the picture.

This group created a set of scenarios forecasting instability during the November election and titled it “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.” If you were wondering why all the talk and concern over peaceful transition of power, you can look to this group and this document as the match that started that fire.

To me it reads like a conspiracy theorists manifesto, but it’s obviously written to appear benign, non-partisan, civil, and “for the greater good” and maybe it is. That’s for you to decide.

Some things to consider regarding the cast of characters who put this together. The founder Gilman isn’t what I’d call a tolerant guy. His Twitter feed is full of hate for anyone ideologically opposed to him. He tweeted this about Michael Anton just a few weeks ago. “Michael Anton is the Robert Brasillach of our times and deserves the same fate.”

For those unfamiliar with Anton or Brasilliach, Michael Anton is a former Deputy National Security Advisor and speech writer for Trump and Brasilliach is a French intellectual who was shot by firing squad in 1944 by French resistance forces for his advocacy of Nazi collaboration and anti-Semitism.

Again, you get the picture.

Anton recently wrote an essay titled “The Coming Coup,” which warned of plans for a “color revolution” in the U.S. where elections are overridden by mobs and plotted by Deep-Staters connected to George Soros, who invented the color revolutions elsewhere. Do a search for Color Revolutions if you’re unfamiliar with that term.

The target in Anton’s piece is the Transition Integrity Project and rather than argue or defend his project, Gilman suggested the killing of his critics.
I think everyone should read Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition regardless your political affiliations and decide for yourself what it means.

I make note of the makeup of the participants in its creation and the fact that not one is a Trump supporter for a reason. This isn’t an objective paper. This is anti-Trump and anti-Republican. They use the term non-partisan because “Republicans” were involved, but there is no pretense of non-bias.
After reading it, it became clear to me this was a playbook containing all the play calls needed for any given scenario on November 3, who would call the plays, and how they would be executed.

I don’t want to give anything away here. I want you to take the time to read this.

Whether you come away with the same conclusions I have or the complete opposite. Whether you agree with their position and proposed actions or they chill you to the bone. This is information people need to know about prior to what I believe is the most pivotal election in our lifetime.

You can read or download the full document HERE

Written by DCL

October 10, 2020 at 10:07 am

Election Day Chaos and Confusion. Just Part of the Plan?

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Empty envelopes of opened vote-by-mail ballots for the presidential primary are stacked on a table at King County Elections in Renton, Washington on March 10, 2020. (Photo by Jason Redmond / AFP) (Photo by JASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images)You’re going to see a flood of news stories from the major news sources in the coming days and weeks leading up to November 3rd, mourning the problem of uncounted mail-in ballots with not so subtle implications any such problem on November 3rd will be due to a massive effort to rig the election for Trump.

What they won’t tell you in their misleading headlines or stories is WHY the ballots are not counted. Politico has already published such a story about the Florida primaries. No mention of the actual legal reasons ballots were not counted. I see this as a precursor to more stories that will, by implication as opposed to direct evidence, lead you to believe something malicious and illegal is happening when, in fact, the opposite is far more likely to be true.

Election law governs how we vote, when we vote, and how ballots are counted. The states handle their own elections and Congress determines the rules for federal elections. Mail-in voting tends to have a greater number of illegitimate ballots due to mistakes on the ballot, no signature, mismatched signatures, or missing deadlines. This isn’t anything new. States who’ve had mail-in voting for some time all go through this every election, but you never heard the media claiming mass voter fraud because of it.

Election law is not a suggestion. It’s the law.

In the Florida primary the ballots were thrown out mostly because they arrived late and/or weren’t signed. Throwing out illegal ballots isn’t voter suppression and mail-in voting isn’t fraud nor is it rigged. But rules matter and must be followed to avoid those potential problems.

Of course the problem of late ballots due to people mailing them too late or an overwhelmed postal service, led the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to effectively say, to Hell with Congress, we’ll write our own law! Which they effectively did with their ruling on September 17th. The polling shows a very close race in Pennsylvania and no Democrat has won the presidency without winning Pennsylvania since Harry S. Truman in 1948. I’m sure this had no bearing on the heavy Democrat majority on the court. Nah, no way…

Pennsylvania’s highest court gave the Democratic Party a series of victories Thursday, including one allowing repairs to glitches and gray areas in the battleground state’s fledgling mail-in voting law and another that kicked the Green Party’s presidential candidate off the November ballot.

The state Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, granted the Democratic Party’s request to order a three-day extension of Pennsylvania’s Election Day deadline to count mailed-in ballots. And it ruled that the Green Party’s candidate for president did not strictly follow procedures for getting on the ballot in November and cannot appear on it. ~  KDKA – CBS Affiliate in Pittsburgh

PROBLEM: the judicial branch doesn’t have the authority to do that.

Federal elections are controlled by congress NOT the courts. No wonder the Penn Supreme’d ruling sent seismic waves through the country. Pennsylvania is a swing state and that ruling makes those judges look like fixers rather than objective jurists.

The Democrats are sowing the seeds of mischief in the upcoming election. You don’t even have to be a super rational or logical thinker to see how their actions and attempts to completely change this election and how votes are cast and counted weeks before it happens to see this.

The longer Democrats can delay the announcement of a clear winner, the better their chances to pull off a heist. Why do I use that term? Simple observation. Trump rallies and appearances are attended by thousands. Thousands more line their streets to welcome his motorcades. Biden appearances aren’t even being covered because they don’t want people seeing the empty rooms and lack of “in-person” support. It’s crazy how stark this indicator is.

The Democrats own internal polling is not showing Biden with a lead. The current public polls showing him leading by 2 or 3 points means Biden will lose by 8 or more points in all of those states if we go by previous election trends and statistics. Particularly the 2016 race where Clinton was supposedly running away with it in the polls.

The charades and mirages being played and set up by the DNC, Biden, and the powers that want him in office, are almost too numerous to count and they are following strategies that have been used before, just not in this country. Look into the term “Color Revolution” and see how it has been used to shape the politics of other nations and regimes. Elements in the US government are pretty good at it.

The talk began in June, with zero evidence to back it up, that Trump would not leave office if he lost the election.  Joe Biden said the military will “escort Trump from the White House with great dispatch.”  Al Gore, the global warming monster, concurred. This is all done to set the table and put you in a state of mind to accept those attempting, in effect, a coup attempt, as heroes for election integrity.

A little more background. There was a story intentionally leaked over the summer about a meeting of 100 high level Democrats, Never Trump Republicans, and others in the ruling class of community organizers who met play out a war games type exercise regarding outcome scenarios for the November 3rd election.  One such scenario suggested a definitive Donald Trump victory.  John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, suggested that Biden refuse to concede and then pressure states that Trump won to only send Democrats to the Electoral College vote. The Democrats would rely on the military to handle the rest.

Think that’s a stretch? Don’t. In 2016 Democrats and Hollywood leftists tried getting Republican electors to cast their votes for Clinton. That’s mild compared to where the DNC has devolved since then.

The exercise determined “technocratic solutions, courts, and reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here.”  It then says if Trump wins it will be “a street fight, not a legal battle.”  Now do you understand why Democrats have been so slow to condemn the riots, fires, looting, and assaults in the streets? If that leaked report is true and there is sufficient evidence to believe it is, they’re basically telling you they will increase the riots everywhere across the country.  No more working through democratic principles, the Constitution or, legal system.  There are powerful people building an army of loser arsonists to set the entire nation on fire. You think you’ve been spared because your town hasn’t seen the destruction of the major population centers and Democrat strongholds you’ll be spared again? Not this time.

And then there was this… Over the summer, two former Army officers, wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs asking him to send the 82nd Airborne Division to the White House and drag President Trump from the Oval Office at exactly 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outranks all other commissioned officers but is prohibited by law from having operational command authority over the armed forces.  So, these two idiots, that should have had been court martialed by now, asked the CJCS to break military law which would have resulted in a court marshal as well, all because they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

This is just the beginning. The Democrats know Biden and his VP selection couldn’t be any worse. Why they chose a dementia ridden career politician and a woman who has more than her fair share of baggage, both political and personal, is anyone’s guess. But the closer we get to the election, the more desperate they will become. You know that saying about a cornered wild animal?

If Trump is actually inaugurated for a second term, it will be a miracle in my opinion, regardless the actual outcome of the election which I believe will be a runaway blow out for Trump based on observation alone. Have you seen the crowds lining the streets and trying to get into his events? Now compare that to those rare glimpses into anything Biden does publicly. I mean, it’s startling the lack of enthusiasm and support wherever Biden goes in public. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to read those tea leaves.

We’re in for a blockbuster, action packed storyline filled with twists and turns, villains and heroes, and an explosive ending.

Get out the popcorn.

Written by DCL

September 18, 2020 at 6:45 pm

The COVID-19 Narrative and Journalistic Malpractice

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Truth or LiesFor four months we have been watching a media smokescreen and misinformation campaign.

I was originally going to make this a Facebook post, but then I decided it would probably get removed by some self-righteous, virtue signaling, social justice warrior patrolling the feeds so I moved it to the blog.

Americans Doubt News CoverageThe media has done nothing but tell us how everything that has gone wrong or is bad regarding COVID-19 since day one is Donald Trump’s fault. They show us death counts, infection rates, compare us to other cherry picked countries, and not to mention selective data mining, and have shaped and perpetuated a narrative that kept the nation captive and ignorant.

However, as usual, a casual review of ALL the data as well as putting ALL the data into proper context, will render a very different story. 

The true story.

Listening to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and every other left of center news network (even FOX), will lead you to believe we are number one in every terrible category that has anything to do with this virus. We are also told that President Trump is ignoring the problem. But that’s how cherry picking works.

If we look at the top 20 nations for “observed case-fatality ratio” you’ll find the U.S. at number 12 with Great Britain #1 by a mile. In the U.S. the number of confirmed cases with the number of U.S. has Case Fatality Rate of 3.4%confirmed deaths is at 3.4%. Great Britain is at 15.2%… EVEN with all the admitted mistakes in record keeping from all the states, EVEN including deaths from shootings and car crashes that were counted as COVID deaths, we are at 3.4%. But that’s just not good enough for the media nor it’s desired narrative. Because that puts the U.S. in the company of countries like Bolivia, Columbia, and Guatemala. A country of our resources and wealth shouldn’t hanging with “THOSE” countries they say and being “12th worst in the world” is nothing to brag about.

Except, we’re not 12th worst in the world…IF you don’t cherry pick data. When you look at how America’s CFR compares to other similarly developed countries you see a much different picture. The U.S. actually has a lower CFR than Japan. What? How is this possible? Japan has been lauded by our news media as a shining example. But if the U.S. is doing better than Japan why are we so bad in the media’s eyes? Hmmmm?

When we look at TOTAL CFR (case fatality rates) the U.S. isn’t anywhere near the top of the list nor is it in 12th place. When we compare all cases and deaths worldwide the U.S. comes in at number 56… Of course we’d rather be dead last on that list, but 56 spots from the top should at least suggest that we are far from the incompetence the media portrays day after day.

The media would also have you believe we are the absolute worst when it comes to testing for COVID. Except we have tested over 53,000,000 people and our per capita test numbers are only behind the tiny countries of Luxembourg, Bahrain, and Israel. Bet you haven’t heard that report before.

How did we get to such a high number of tests in such a short amount of time and why haven’t we done more? That’s a great question. But you’ll have to ask the CDC why it made testing in the early phase of the disease so difficult to do. Like only allowing people who had traveled to China to be tested. In the beginning of this mess, testing or developing tests by private companies, universities, etc, was literally blocked by the CDC and FDA which was reported in the Wall Street Journal. Then, when the CDC finally started shipping tests to the states, many of them were defective.

Testing ONLY improved when the White House removed some of the regulatory road blocks that kept private labs, medical facilities, and universities from developing their own tests and testing methods. Once private industry jumped on board to help with the testing, the tests got better and the results more accurate. Gee, imagine that? Government screwing things up while private industry makes them better. Hmmmm, again… No mention of this problem nor the solution by your “free press.”

Then we moved into the Mask Era. Every day the Trump administration was pounded for not mandating masks as if a President can simply make laws by Royal edict… Can you imagine the 

Rep Eric Swalwell tweets Stop Wearing Face Masks

attacks if Trump had actually done that? He’s already a dictator for…doing…something Pelosi and Schumer don’t like. I think…

However, let’s go back to March when the media was reporting this: “U.S. Health Officials say Americans shouldn’t wear masks to prevent Coronavirus – Here are 3 other reasons not to wear them.” Democrat Congressman and Deputy Assistant Impeachment Cheerleader Eric Swalwell even tweeted, “Stop wearing face masks. #Coronavirus” on March 4, 2020.

65% of Americans wear a mask in publicYet here we are after a complete 180, creating another angry and divisive issue for people to fight about. A recent Pew Research poll showed 65% of Americans wear one when in public places and that poll was done BEFORE Trump went public with his support of wearing masks and the media was hounding Trump to force mask wearing because according to them no one was. Wrong again newsies.

But the biggest club the media has chosen to bash the president with, is Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). During a March press conference, President Trump made the horrific (in the minds of Dems) and now famous or infamous (depending which color voting sticker you wear) statement suggesting HCQ could be helpful in treating COVID-19. You’d think he had just told Americans to drink poison and bleach! Oh wait, the media did say that… And for the next week we were told Trump isn’t a doctor and he doesn’t know anything and he’s trying to kill people.

CNN went so far as to find a story in Nigeria about Chloroquine poisonings and blamed THAT on Trump. All it takes is the arch enemy of the Democrat arm of the media saying something positive about anything and the media is immediately against it.

The FDA, which had previously given the green light to HCQ for some COVID patients, suddenly gave it the red light citing a study that claimed there were dangerous side effects like blindness and heart attacks. The media went on a blitz telling the public they could die of heart attacks or go blind if they listened to Trump! But then, the study the FDA was pointing to was retracted by the authors citing bad data and unverifiable records. I’m sure you remember the media coming out immediately with a retraction and apology for scaring the bejeebers out of everyone. No? Oh, that’s because they didn’t say anything about it.

Hydroxychloroquine studyThen in July a newer study published in the International Journal of Infectious Disease, came out saying HCQ DID help to “significantly lower the death rate” in COVID patients. Even a Yale Epidemiologist wrote about the positive benefits of HCQ in treating COVID-19 in Newsweek magazine. Dr. Harvey Risch published a study showing the drug is effective for treating the virus.

Now, these doctors who have come out and spoken the truth from studies and their own experience treating COVID-19 are being threatened, fired, black listed, and called quacks. Thousands of doctors worldwide have prescribed this medication in a protocol with Zinc and other medicines with success, yet the media and certain people in our government at the federal and state levels are doing all they can to silence this debate. Why?

It’s a 65 year-old drug that is used for many illnesses, but mainly Lupus and Rheumatism. It is derived from a natural medicine called Quinine, which comes from a tree bark. It has been proven safe and used safely for decades in this country. So why the pushback?

Imagine how different this conversation would be if ANY Democrat had come out in support of this treatment rather than Donald Trump. You know it would be like night and day. There would likely be a push to make it an over-the-counter medication as soon as possible. But, unfortunately for people who do get the virus, the wrong person said something good about it.

HCQ is cheap and plentiful and it’s been around so long it doesn’t have a patent. And maybe that has something to do with this whole controversy. No one makes any real money on this drug. Any pharmaceutical company can produce it. There is no exclusivity. No big bucks. Not that money is a motivator or anything…

You may also remember the “COVID Parties” being thrown all over college campuses in those “evil” Republican states like Alabama.Covid Parties? CNN took the lead reporting how college students in “Republican States” were throwing parties to see who would get COVID first. They were even betting on it! With real money!!!! But then a Journalistic Icon decided to dig into the story. No, not the New York Times. Wired magazine connected the loose ends (or wires as it were) and they found “no credible evidence” of COVID parties taking place. Their headline read “COVID Parties are not a thing.” None of the other media reports were true. CNN had failed again.

This is just a small sampling of the kind of media reports droning away day after day on TV and the web. Yet, day after day they are exposed as inaccurate or blatantly false. Truth no longer appears to be the standard of quality journalism, at least on the national stage.

The standard now is political and the standard bearer looks a lot like the Democrat party.

Written by DCL

August 1, 2020 at 6:49 pm