The Long Version

Retired broadcast journalist. Blogging helps scratch the itch. Recovering exRepublican – Sober and still Conservative.

Posts Tagged ‘Election

Election Day Chaos and Confusion. Just Part of the Plan?

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Empty envelopes of opened vote-by-mail ballots for the presidential primary are stacked on a table at King County Elections in Renton, Washington on March 10, 2020. (Photo by Jason Redmond / AFP) (Photo by JASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images)You’re going to see a flood of news stories from the major news sources in the coming days and weeks leading up to November 3rd, mourning the problem of uncounted mail-in ballots with not so subtle implications any such problem on November 3rd will be due to a massive effort to rig the election for Trump.

What they won’t tell you in their misleading headlines or stories is WHY the ballots are not counted. Politico has already published such a story about the Florida primaries. No mention of the actual legal reasons ballots were not counted. I see this as a precursor to more stories that will, by implication as opposed to direct evidence, lead you to believe something malicious and illegal is happening when, in fact, the opposite is far more likely to be true.

Election law governs how we vote, when we vote, and how ballots are counted. The states handle their own elections and Congress determines the rules for federal elections. Mail-in voting tends to have a greater number of illegitimate ballots due to mistakes on the ballot, no signature, mismatched signatures, or missing deadlines. This isn’t anything new. States who’ve had mail-in voting for some time all go through this every election, but you never heard the media claiming mass voter fraud because of it.

Election law is not a suggestion. It’s the law.

In the Florida primary the ballots were thrown out mostly because they arrived late and/or weren’t signed. Throwing out illegal ballots isn’t voter suppression and mail-in voting isn’t fraud nor is it rigged. But rules matter and must be followed to avoid those potential problems.

Of course the problem of late ballots due to people mailing them too late or an overwhelmed postal service, led the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to effectively say, to Hell with Congress, we’ll write our own law! Which they effectively did with their ruling on September 17th. The polling shows a very close race in Pennsylvania and no Democrat has won the presidency without winning Pennsylvania since Harry S. Truman in 1948. I’m sure this had no bearing on the heavy Democrat majority on the court. Nah, no way…

Pennsylvania’s highest court gave the Democratic Party a series of victories Thursday, including one allowing repairs to glitches and gray areas in the battleground state’s fledgling mail-in voting law and another that kicked the Green Party’s presidential candidate off the November ballot.

The state Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, granted the Democratic Party’s request to order a three-day extension of Pennsylvania’s Election Day deadline to count mailed-in ballots. And it ruled that the Green Party’s candidate for president did not strictly follow procedures for getting on the ballot in November and cannot appear on it. ~  KDKA – CBS Affiliate in Pittsburgh

PROBLEM: the judicial branch doesn’t have the authority to do that.

Federal elections are controlled by congress NOT the courts. No wonder the Penn Supreme’d ruling sent seismic waves through the country. Pennsylvania is a swing state and that ruling makes those judges look like fixers rather than objective jurists.

The Democrats are sowing the seeds of mischief in the upcoming election. You don’t even have to be a super rational or logical thinker to see how their actions and attempts to completely change this election and how votes are cast and counted weeks before it happens to see this.

The longer Democrats can delay the announcement of a clear winner, the better their chances to pull off a heist. Why do I use that term? Simple observation. Trump rallies and appearances are attended by thousands. Thousands more line their streets to welcome his motorcades. Biden appearances aren’t even being covered because they don’t want people seeing the empty rooms and lack of “in-person” support. It’s crazy how stark this indicator is.

The Democrats own internal polling is not showing Biden with a lead. The current public polls showing him leading by 2 or 3 points means Biden will lose by 8 or more points in all of those states if we go by previous election trends and statistics. Particularly the 2016 race where Clinton was supposedly running away with it in the polls.

The charades and mirages being played and set up by the DNC, Biden, and the powers that want him in office, are almost too numerous to count and they are following strategies that have been used before, just not in this country. Look into the term “Color Revolution” and see how it has been used to shape the politics of other nations and regimes. Elements in the US government are pretty good at it.

The talk began in June, with zero evidence to back it up, that Trump would not leave office if he lost the election.  Joe Biden said the military will “escort Trump from the White House with great dispatch.”  Al Gore, the global warming monster, concurred. This is all done to set the table and put you in a state of mind to accept those attempting, in effect, a coup attempt, as heroes for election integrity.

A little more background. There was a story intentionally leaked over the summer about a meeting of 100 high level Democrats, Never Trump Republicans, and others in the ruling class of community organizers who met play out a war games type exercise regarding outcome scenarios for the November 3rd election.  One such scenario suggested a definitive Donald Trump victory.  John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, suggested that Biden refuse to concede and then pressure states that Trump won to only send Democrats to the Electoral College vote. The Democrats would rely on the military to handle the rest.

Think that’s a stretch? Don’t. In 2016 Democrats and Hollywood leftists tried getting Republican electors to cast their votes for Clinton. That’s mild compared to where the DNC has devolved since then.

The exercise determined “technocratic solutions, courts, and reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here.”  It then says if Trump wins it will be “a street fight, not a legal battle.”  Now do you understand why Democrats have been so slow to condemn the riots, fires, looting, and assaults in the streets? If that leaked report is true and there is sufficient evidence to believe it is, they’re basically telling you they will increase the riots everywhere across the country.  No more working through democratic principles, the Constitution or, legal system.  There are powerful people building an army of loser arsonists to set the entire nation on fire. You think you’ve been spared because your town hasn’t seen the destruction of the major population centers and Democrat strongholds you’ll be spared again? Not this time.

And then there was this… Over the summer, two former Army officers, wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs asking him to send the 82nd Airborne Division to the White House and drag President Trump from the Oval Office at exactly 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outranks all other commissioned officers but is prohibited by law from having operational command authority over the armed forces.  So, these two idiots, that should have had been court martialed by now, asked the CJCS to break military law which would have resulted in a court marshal as well, all because they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

This is just the beginning. The Democrats know Biden and his VP selection couldn’t be any worse. Why they chose a dementia ridden career politician and a woman who has more than her fair share of baggage, both political and personal, is anyone’s guess. But the closer we get to the election, the more desperate they will become. You know that saying about a cornered wild animal?

If Trump is actually inaugurated for a second term, it will be a miracle in my opinion, regardless the actual outcome of the election which I believe will be a runaway blow out for Trump based on observation alone. Have you seen the crowds lining the streets and trying to get into his events? Now compare that to those rare glimpses into anything Biden does publicly. I mean, it’s startling the lack of enthusiasm and support wherever Biden goes in public. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to read those tea leaves.

We’re in for a blockbuster, action packed storyline filled with twists and turns, villains and heroes, and an explosive ending.

Get out the popcorn.

Written by DCL

September 18, 2020 at 6:45 pm