The Long Version

Retired broadcast journalist. Blogging helps scratch the itch. Recovering exRepublican – Sober and still Conservative.

Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Are Electric Cars Really Green?

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NOTE: I didn’t write this excellent breakdown and analysis of electric vehicles and “green energy” or whether they are truly “green” and therefore less damaging to the environment than fossil fuel vehicles. If I can find the name of the original author I will gladly provide attribution.

Batteries, they do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid. Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EV’s on the road are coal-powered, do you see?”

Einstein’s formula, E=MC2, tells us it takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.

There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single-use. The most common single-use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry-cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals.

Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium. The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

All batteries are self-discharging.

That means even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

In addition to dry cell batteries, there are also wet cell ones used in automobiles, boats, and motorcycles. The good thing about those is, ninety percent of them are recycled. Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to recycle single-use ones properly. But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive production costs.

A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just – one – battery.”

Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. These mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. There have been many articles written about this tragedy in periodicals that you have probably never seen nor heard of and your local and national news sources don’t cover stories like this. Regardless whether you are aware of such atrocities, should we factor in the stories of these children as part of the cost of driving an electric car?” Yes, I think we must.

I’ll end this note with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not. This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium-diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicon dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades.

There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions.

“Going Green” may sound like the Utopian ideal but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically, with an open mind, you can see that “Going Green” is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye or ear depending on your sources for information.

Written by DCL

March 14, 2022 at 12:28 pm

The Data is Destroying the Political Left’s Covid Narrative

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Omicron data

The most recent and plentiful data for Omicron is coming out of Europe and surrounding countries and the data doesn’t bode well for Fauci, Biden, Globalists, and the corporate media’s Covid narrative. It’s making them look like fools and liars, which may have something to do with their sudden willingness to actually tell the truth…while including their own spin of course.

Daniel Horowitz and other journalists, who no longer work for the news networks or major print media, have been providing insight based on the hard data for well over a year now and have been correct when the Fauciites have been wrong. This has happened over and over and over again since 2020.

Once again, the data tells the true story. Follow IT, not Fauci.

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health, that of the family, but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community. And in other words, you become a dead end to the virus.” ~Dr. Fauci, Face the Nation, May 16, 2021

By Daniel Horowitz via

96% of all Omicron cases in Germany among vaccinated: Among the 4,206 Germans infected with Omicron for whom their vaccination status was known, 95.58% were fully vaccinated. More than a quarter of them had booster shots. Given that the overall background rate for vaccination in Germany is 70%, this means that the shots now have a -87% effectiveness rate against Omicron. Only 4% of Omicron cases are coming from the 30% of the country which is unvaccinated. In other words, not being vaccinated has 87% efficacy against infection in Germany, using the same calculation that vaccine advocates have employed.

Omicron among vaccinated outpacing unvaccinated by 28% in Ontario: The government in Ontario posts continuous data on case rates by vaccination status. The fact that the vaccinated have rapidly overtaken the unvaccinated in new infections demonstrates a clear negative effect of the shots against Omicron.

In Denmark, 89.7% of all Omicron cases were among fully vaccinated: As of Dec. 31, just 8.5% of all cases in Denmark were unvaccinated, according to the Statens Serum Institut. Overall, 77.9% of Denmark is fully vaccinated, and Omicron seems to hit younger people for whom there is a greater unvaccinated pool, which indicates clear negative efficacy. Even for non-Omicron variants, the un-injected composed only 23.7% of the cases.

Denmark data points

Just 25% of the Omicron hospitalizations in the U.K. are unvaccinated: Not only are the vaccinated more likely to contract Omicron, but they are likely more at risk to be hospitalized. While American hospitals put out unverifiable information about “nearly everyone seriously ill with COVID being unvaccinated,” the U.K. continues to put out quality continuous data that shows the opposite. According to the U.K.’s Health Security Agency’s latest “Omicron daily overview,” just 25% of those in the hospital with suspected Omicron cases are unvaccinated.

UK data points

33 of 34 hospitalizations in a Delhi hospital were vaccinated: The Indian Express reported that 33 of the 34 people hospitalized for Omicron in Delhi’s Lok Nayak hospital were fully vaccinated. Two of them received the booster shot. While some of them were international travelers, it’s important to remember that India has a much lower vaccination rate than the West. This is another small indication that not only might one be more likely to get Omicron after having gotten the shots, but possibly could be more vulnerable to hospitalizations, very likely due to some form of antibody dependent disease enhancement (ADE).

The vaccinated are exponentially more likely to get re-infected with COVID: A new preprint study from Bangladesh found that among 404 people re-infected with COVID, having been vaccinated made someone 2.45 times more likely to get re-infected with a mild infection, 16.1 times more likely to get a moderate infection, and 3.9 times more likely to be re-infected severely, relative to someone with prior infection who was not vaccinated. the findings of this first-in-its-kind study harmonize with what a Public Health England survey found in October; namely, that the vaccines seem to erase a degree of N (nucleocapsid) antibodies generated by prior infection in favor of narrower S (spike) antibodies.

This finding also correlates with what researchers from Mount Sinai in New York and Hospital La Paz in Madrid found last year – that the second dose of the vaccine “determines a contraction of the spike-specific T cell response.” In that report, researchers already observed that other research has shown “the second vaccination dose appears to exert a detrimental effect in the overall magnitude of the spike-specific humoral response in COVID-19 recovered individuals.”

At this point, how is there any benefit, much less a net benefit, from the shots? There are currently 21,000 deaths reported to VAERS, along with 110,000 hospitalizations and over 1 million total adverse events. Most deaths and injuries are never reported to VAERS. Now that the efficacy is, at best, a wash and at worst negative, why are we not discussing the short-term and long-term liabilities of the shots?

Remember, the VAERS numbers don’t even begin to quantify the long-term concerns, such as cancer and auto-immune diseases. A heavily redacted analysis of the Pfizer shot (p. 16) from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Agency (TGA) flatly conceded, “Neither genotoxicity nor carcinogenicity studies were performed.”

Consider the fact that the CEO of Indiana-based life insurance company OneAmerica, which has been around since 1877, revealed last week that the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old Hoosiers is up 40% from pre-pandemic levels. That is four times above what risk assessors consider catastrophic. Yes, some of this has been due to the virus, but given the age group, OneAmerica CEO Scott Davidson said that most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths. Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, who spoke at the same news conference as Davidson, said that Indiana hospitals are flooded with patients “with many different conditions.” Any wonder what those ailments are if not COVID itself?

Indeed, those who say the injections are a “medical miracle” are correct, just not in the way they meant it.

Written by DCL

January 3, 2022 at 3:25 pm

Pfizer Creates New Version of Ivermectin to Save the World

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The “I” word. That word that makes Fauci, Democrats, and pharmaceutical executives fume and raise their fists in defiant opposition. It made them so angry they created a campaign to discredit it and ban it. It made them so mad they asked their pals in the legacy media to call it horse and cow dewormer and mock anyone who said it should be considered as an effective early treatment for Covid-19.

Ivermectin. A medication used to treat parasite infestations. In humans, these include head lice, scabies, river blindness, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, the medication is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.

Yet thousands of physicians, nurses, medical researchers, and other health care professionals discovered it provided amazing benefits to covid patients at all stage of the illness. These people were quickly shut down, threatened, mocked, and attacked by the legacy news media and the trolls of social media.

Dr. John Campbell PhD, trains nurses and develops open learning resources for nurses and health care professionals. He broke down the hard core science behind the Pfizer pill and Ivermectin and provided a clear and easy to understand comparison which shows Ivermectin to be KING and the new Pfizer pill to be a functional copy of Ivermectin. In other words the two “act” and work in the body in the same way. Ivermectin just does a better job of it.

That won’t stop Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci and the CDC and their water boys at the legacy media from continuing to carry their disinformation and misinformation about Ivermectin to the eyes and ears of the public so they can convince them their NEW PILL is the answer to the pandemic. Of course their new pill will cost 10 times or more what Ivermectin does.

Here’s the goods:

New Pfizer antiviral and ivermectin, a pharmacodynamic analysis by Dr. John Campbell.

New Pfizer antiviral, PF-07321332, C₂₃H₃₂F₃N₅O₄ PF-07321332 is designed to block the activity of the SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease,

So, what is a protease? So what is a protease inhibitor? And, what is 3CL? Chymotrypsin-like protease (3CL main protease, or 3CL Mpro)

Identification of SARS-CoV‑2 3CL Protease Inhibitors by a Quantitative High-Throughput Screening (3rd September 2020)

The activity of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 viral infection was confirmed in 7 of 23 compounds. Microscopic interactions between ivermectin and key human and viral proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The strength and persistency of the interaction between IVE and the binding site of 3CLpro indicate that a partial inhibition of the catalytic activity could have place as the drug interacts with the main subdomains that define the enzyme binding pocket: Identification of 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents.

As shown in Fig. 4, out of 13 OTDs only ivermectin completely blocked ( more than 80%) the 3CLpro activity at 50 µM concentration.

Development, validation, and approval of COVID-19 specific drugs takes years. Therefore, the idea of drug repositioning, also known as repurposing, is an important strategy to control the sudden outbreak of life-threatening infectious agents that spread rapidly.

Ilimaquinone (marine sponge metabolite) as a novel inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 key target proteins in comparison with suggested COVID-19 drugs: designing, docking and molecular dynamics simulation study.

From the docking analysis, ivermectin showed the highest docking score with an average energy of −8.5 kcal mol−1 among all the compounds. Remdesivir showed the lowest binding energy and highest docking score of −9.9 kcal mol−1

Ivermectin, C48H74O14 – Exploring the binding efficacy of ivermectin against the key proteins of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis: an in silico approach…

We have documented an intense binding of both ivermectin B1a and B1b isomer to the main protease with subsequent energy (ETot-) values of -384.56 and -408.6.

PF-07321332 is designed to block the activity of the SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease.

Risk of virus developing resistance to PF-07321332

Molecular Docking Reveals Ivermectin and Remdesivir as Potential Repurposed Drugs Against SARS-CoV-2

With SARS-CoV-2 S Spike protein Ivermectin showed high binding affinity to the viral S protein as well as the human cell surface receptors ACE-2 and TMPRSS2.

In agreement to our findings, ivermectin was found to be docked between the viral spike and the ACE2 receptor. Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human TMPRSS2 Protein (ACE2 protein). The docking results revealed that ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −174.971) and protein–ligand interactions.

Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human ACE-2 Protein, ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −159.754) and protein–ligand interactions.

With SARS-CoV-2 S Glycoprotein Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein.

With SARS-CoV-2 Nsp14 Protein ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity (MolDock score −212.265) and protein–ligand interactions.

Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With SARS-CoV-2 PLpro Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein (MolDock score −180.765) and protein–ligand interactions. – END

Bottom line: Ivermectin WORKS. Pfizer knows it. Moderna knows it. Merc knows it. Joe Biden, Tony Fauci, and the Democrats know it. They’ve known it since the beginning. They intentionally lied about it and spread disinformation using their pets in the legacy media. They pilloried anyone who tried to tell the truth. They got the top dogs at the AMA and all the medical societies to go along and put the hammer down on any physicians, nurses, or other medical professionals who even questioned their mandates.

It boggles the mind how effective the propaganda and coercion has been and how many Americans STILL believe the fools running the show.

Written by DCL

November 17, 2021 at 9:59 am

FDA Advisory Committee Meeting Puts Vaccines Problems in the Public Record

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On September 17, 2021 the FDA Advisory Committee met to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 booster shot. The Biden administration has been pushing hard for booster shots heading into the winter months but 18 officials at the FDA are opposed to the Biden Administration’s plan to start distributing Pfizer “booster shots” later this month (September, 2021).

By a vote of 16-2 the 18 member committee voted against approving the booster shots, although later they did give their endorsement on approving them for people 65 and older.

During the open session portion of the meeting, a number of doctors who question the efficacy and safety of the vaccines were given a chance to address the public with their concerns. This was the first opportunity for the general public to hear objections to the vaccines using scientific data from numerous government and private practice sources much of which has been censored by major news media and big tech social media giants.

Dr. Joseph Fraiman, an emergency room physician from New Orleans who did his studies at Cornell Medical School, stated that there are no trials large enough yet to prove that the COVID-19 vaccines reduce hospitalization without causing serious harm. He lamented the fact that those being called vaccine hesitant or anti-vaxxers, coming into his emergency room were more educated on the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine than those who were vaccinated.

I know many think that vaccine hesitants are dumb, or just misinformed. That’s not at all what I’ve seen.

In fact typically, independent of education level, the vaccine hesitant I’ve met in the ER are more familiar with vaccine studies, and more aware of their own COVID risks than the vaccinated.

For example, many of my nurses have refused the vaccine despite seeing COVID-19 cause more death and devastation than most people have.

I ask them why refuse the vaccine?

They tell me while they’ve seen the first hand dangers of COVID, the elderly, the obese, diabetics; they think their risk is low.

They’re not wrong. A 30-year-old female has about a 1 in 7000 chance of catching COVID and being hospitalized over 90 days.

He pointed out that a recent study showed that the risk of vaccine-induced Myocarditis (heart disease) in young males is higher than their risk from hospitalization from COVID. He called for larger studies to be conducted.

We the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-COVID-19 activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save, especially in the young and healthy, the fact that we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong, should terrify us all.

Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, also gave testimony.

I am going to focus my remarks today with the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more people than they save.

He presented data to prove that the belief that these vaccines are “safe” simply isn’t true and provided data to prove it. Kirsch claims that expert analysis of existing data, including the 6-month Pfizer trials and VAERS data, prove that the shots kill more people than they allegedly save.

About 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into about 150,000 people have died (from the Pfizer shots).

The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save. And I would love to look at the Israel ministry of health data on the 90+ year olds where we went from a 94.4% vaccinated group to 82.9% vaccinated in the last 4 months. In the most optimistic scenario, it means that 50% of the vaccinated people died and 0% of unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the public you cannot approve the boosters.

Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc, who has done extensive studies on the VAERS data gave a presentation where she showed a 1000% percent increase in adverse events following COVID vaccines, as compared to all previous vaccines in prior years since such reporting began.

The three doctors who explained the concerning data are not part of that committee, but testified during the “open comments” section of the meeting. But the fact that the FDA allowed their comments is very significant, as they are now in the public record.

There appears to be some infighting going on at the FDA regarding the Pfizer COVID-19 shots. What could be the reasons for this? There were signs heading into the meeting this week that there could be some fireworks as two top vaccine research scientists at the FDA, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Phillip Kause, the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research, resigned over the White House announcement for boosters before the FDA provided approval.

It could be a matter of Pfizer’s competitors not liking the fact that Pfizer has dominated the market share on the COVID-19 vaccines. They could be applying pressure on their contacts at the FDA to open up the market to all of them.

Or maybe it’s just the fact that regardless how hard the corporate news media has tried to keep the uncomfortable truth about the vaccines and covid’s risks in general, the truth is getting out. People are seeing the real data and numbers and realizing the narrative they’ve been fed for over 18 months is full of holes and in some cases blatant lies. Perhaps some in the FDA are seeing the writing on the wall with the new data coming out of the UK and Israel showing the vaccinated to be most at risk for continued infection and hospitalization in spite of those nations having the highest vaccination rates. Or maybe it’s India’s states that decided to allow Ivermectin to be prescribed and have seen their COVID numbers plummet to almost no cases over the past 30 days even though India has the lowest vaccination rate in the world.

Who knows? But the information that finally reached the public this week should cause a shift in the narrative and the “misinformation” rightly identified as that coming from our corporate media.

The video below is testimony given by 3 physicians regarding the efficacy and safety of the vaccines based on current data from the CDC and other countries.

Written by DCL

September 21, 2021 at 10:19 pm

India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part IV Kerala’s Vaccinated Surge

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Part IV in a series of articles regarding the use of Ivermectin in India

Authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

Ivermectin or No Ivermectin

“Kerala is in the national spotlight once again, with the state accounting for 68% of 46,265 new COVID-19 cases in India.” The Times of India published this on August 27, 2021.

Kerala, the tiny state on India’s southwest coast, is the one hotspot of COVID remaining in India. Kerala led India on August 25, 2021, with 31,445 of its 46,265 new infections. With no Ivermectin use, Kerala has some 34 million people, making their infection rate nearly one in one thousand. This rate is far higher than Uttar Pradesh, India, at closer to one in eight million, where Ivermectin is widely used.

However, Kerala’s high infection rate is right up there with the United States, averaging about 150,000 new cases per day or about one in two thousand per population.

The Times of India confirmed Kerala’s lack of contact tracing. Furthermore, they confirmed that the vaccines did not help prevent transmission, and they demonstrated that the test positivity rate dramatically increased – after August 5 – when Ivermectin was dropped from the protocol.

Juan Chamie, the Cambridge-based data analyst, was quoted in Part III of our series -The Lesson of Kerala:

“If you look at the test positivity rate (TPR) of Kerala, it declined from over 25% to 10% and remained stable around it. Since the last protocol change that removed Ivermectin, the positivity rate is increasing. In less than two weeks, the positivity rate jumped and right now is above 15%, the highest in the last two months.”—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html

Now we see their TPR has increased to 17.3%, far greater than anywhere else in India, and this increase begs an explanation. As discussed in this series, there has been a United States media blackout on India’s overall conquest of COVID-19, particularly avoidance of any discussion about Ivermectin’s role.

We pointed this fact out in Part III of our series. The lesson learned there was that Ivermectin could make up for low vaccination rates, but vaccination, unfortunately, cannot make up for low Ivermectin use.

Now we hear grudging acceptance of some of this, especially by the Indian media.

Dr. Santosh Kumar SS, deputy medical superintendent, reported in the Times of India article that vaccination played a role in the massive transmission of the virus in Kerala. He stated, “It (vaccination) might not have helped control the spread, but it definitely helped reduce the severity of the infection, hospitalization, and deaths.”

Since Ivermectin has been shown to massively reduce the spread and viral load as reviewed in Part III, and vaccination has been shown to reduce the severity, the logical result would be to use both in combination.

As they did so successfully in Uttar Pradesh, one could reduce spread by having all contacts and family members of an infected person take Ivermectin preventatively.

This method should be especially effective since Kerala admittedly no longer conducts contact tracing. Dr. A Sukumaran, state epidemiologist, reported, “An aggressive testing strategy was good till we were testing, contact tracing and isolating patients, but that is not happening now.”

With only 3% of India’s population, Kerala accounted for 50% of the country’s new daily cases on August 1, 2021. However, after stopping their occasional Ivermectin use entirely on August 5, new infections accelerated, and now they account for 2/3 of India’s cases. Kerala is moving in the wrong direction.

In Part III, this was most likely related to relaxing their lockdown restrictions to vaccinated persons. More than half of Kerala’s population has received at least one vaccination. Vaccinated persons were exempted from the lockdown, which we believe accounted for Kerala’s massive surge in sharp contrast to the rest of India.

Kerala made exceptions for vaccinated people, allowing them to mingle and travel and participate in festivals like the Hindu Festival of Onam, held annually in mid-August.

While the festival is often blamed for the spread, Kerala was already leading in cases before the festival. The real culprit is the relaxation of precautions in the vaccinated. The assumption that vaccinated people are “safe” is the real problem. That supposition is the issue, and this mistaken belief has led to global spread.

Those in the United States feel the vaccinated are safe for air travel, cruising, etc., as they have been granted vaccine passports. However, we now know the vaccinated can spread the virus every bit as quickly as the unvaccinated. A vaccinated person’s viral load is just as high as an unvaccinated.

Indeed, following the free travel policy in vaccinated people and the incorrect assumption they were “safe,” we saw massive surges in geographically isolated locations like Hawaii, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand, and Tahiti.

The island of Sri Lanka went from an average of 200 cases per day to 5,000 cases per day. Two thousand miles from the nearest land, Hawaii saw their cases rise from 40 per day to 730. New Zealand, a country that had set an example for the world with less than a few cases per day, now jumped to 83 new cases on August 27, 2021. Tahiti, the isolated French Polynesian paradise of the South Pacific, saw their cases rise from an average of less than five per day to 1225.

These “safe” vaccinated travelers were the source of spread to those isolated destinations that previously had their pandemic under control.

A point of pride in Kerala is their high vaccination rate; they are among the top five most vaccinated states out of 29 in India. So vaccinated individuals are allowed past checkpoints and thought to be “safe.”

Part III shows that vaccinated patients with breakthrough infections are a potent source of spread, and we believe this has been the core source of Kerala’s rampant transmission.—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html

The bottom line here is that Kerala’s lesson is not being learned. Their virus seems to be transmitted more freely than anywhere else in India, and it is no longer a mystery why.  The vaccinated are spreading it as they are not subject to lockdown restrictions.

Their non-use of Ivermectin and failure to use it in all family contacts also played a significant role.

The problem now is not only failure to acknowledge the lessons of India; the problem is ongoing misleading and false publicity against Ivermectin.

In the United States, we see a coordinated media blitz of hundreds of recent articles – all begun in unison in August 2021 – alleging increased calls to poison control – without any evidence to support this.

Why is it that nobody in Uttar Pradesh reported “poisoning” with Ivermectin? Why is it that no one who takes Ivermectin for scabies or rosacea has reported “poisoning?” Why is it that none of the 60+ studies conducted on Ivermectin involving more than 23,000 patients has found anyone with “poisoning” related to Ivermectin?

Because it is not true, these reports have been fabricated to support an agenda.

However, the fact remains that in over 3.7 Billion doses of Ivermectin used over 40 years, Ivermectin has proved exceedingly safe, safer than Tylenol or aspirin and that safety record remains intact today.

When you read – incorrectly – that Ivermectin is only for the treatment of worm infestations (parasites), please think to read further and realize Ivermectin is also used to treat cancer, and it is also used to treat viruses.

When you read that anti-parasitic drugs similar to Ivermectin – also used in both animals and humans – are now increasingly used to treat cancers, please use your common sense when the media attempts to scare you aware from them. For example, my friend with brain cancer might not be alive today without another anti-parasitic drug, Mebendazole.

While the FDA has no problem with you spending 10,000 dollars per month on toxic and ineffective chemotherapy that permanently damages your organs, they object to you taking a cheap repurposed drug that can save your life. Ask yourself why?

Did it ever occur to you that Big Pharma and Big Media may be using similar deceptive tactics that Big Tobacco used to market their products? Did you ever consider that these corporations have an agenda against you taking inexpensive medications because they might lose sales of their expensive, yet more dangerous, and less effective solutions?

Would you consider reading for yourself how the media has demonized safe and effective medications through the use of fear to promote the Big Pharma agenda? Read what the most credible experts from Harvard and Yale have to say. Read about why the Nightly News, YouTube, Wikipedia, CNN, and the American networks have not been truthful with you on this subject. You don’t want them to scare you away from what works.

Around the world, there is a push to censor anything related to Ivermectin’s profound effectiveness against COVID-19.

The truth is often revealed in the most unlikely locations, even more remote than India. Look at this example from South America, deep in the Amazon. Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, an MD, PhD endocrinologist, and researcher, reported his experience in the state of Amazonas during the peak of the Gamma (Brazilian variant) COVID outbreak. He found all the hospitals packed with sick patients, except one city, where the hospital was empty.

No one was sick. It was as if COVID-19 had skipped over this city which was in the middle of all the others that were brimming with cases. There was no obvious explanation according to Dr. Cadegiani.

“There in the middle of the Amazon, we went to a city called Coari. We went there expecting a full hospital with thousands of patients. (Instead) the hospital was completely empty. (So) we were not able to conduct the study there. I was trying to understand (why).”

Dr. Cadegiani asked the Secretary of Health why. She was reluctant to answer in front of people. In private, she told Dr. Cadegiani it was because the whole town had been treated with Ivermectin, but she feared his judgement.

The doctor relayed this story, “And we came to another (private) room, and she said (quietly), ‘Look, we actually have provided Ivermectin for the whole population for two months now.’

The doctor asked, ‘And why are you shy in telling me that?’

‘I thought you’d accuse us of giving unapproved treatments,’ she replied.”

The doctor explained she was fearful of government criticism. See Mark 12:00

In an interview on CNN, Dr. Fauci himself, the face of organized medicine, said,

“Don’t do it – take Ivermectin for COVID.”

However, if Ivermectin has been FDA-approved as safe for scabies and rosacea, and it has, then it cannot be somehow unsafe for another condition – provided a medical doctor appropriately prescribes it.

When evaluating conflicting recommendations, one should consider the potential of bias, especially financial. Dr. Fauci’s alignment with significant corporate interests is something one should keep in mind.

When evaluating the trustworthiness of witnesses, one should ALWAYS look at bias. And place the most weight on data. Compare what Dr. Fauci said with the experience in India. The graphs of the Uttar Pradesh experience with Ivermectin compared to Kerala’s debacle without it should tell you something.

The Health Secretary of Coari had nothing to gain in explaining their secret use of Ivermectin was the reason her hospitals were empty. Indeed, a statement that admits to violating a governmental order is probably true as it is against one’s interest – it could expose one to a fine or penalty – most would not lie about something that could get them into trouble. The law of evidence holds that a statement against interest contains inherent trustworthiness.

However, Dr. Fauci’s statements are tainted by the overwhelming influence of Big Pharma and their not-so-subtle agenda. As a result, his statements are anything but credible. So, when it comes to health matters and saving you and your family, you must decide who and what to believe. Nothing beats old-fashioned common sense. Nothing beats the truth.

Written by DCL

September 18, 2021 at 7:37 pm

India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part III The Lesson of Kerala

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Part III in a series of articles regarding the use of Ivermectin in India

Authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

The Ivermectin EffectIndia Ivermectin use

The New York Times reported India’s colossal drop in COVID cases was unexplainable, while the BBC declared that Kerala’s rise was also a mystery. While new cases of COVID in Uttar Pradesh are rare as million-dollar lottery tickets, in Kerala, a tiny state located in southern India, new daily cases are the same as the United States, nearly one case per thousand. Yet, as we have seen in this series, there has been a curious media blackout on India’s overall success against COVID.

“Kerala has been reporting over 22,000 new COVID infections in the last three days. No other state in India is even close to the 10,000 mark. The COVID conundrum in the southern state has led to several questions, with no certain answers.”

The Times of India published this statement on July 29. Kerala has continued to have the majority of new daily cases and almost 25% of India’s daily deaths despite a population of 34 million, less than 3% of India’s total population.

On August 15, Kerala accounted for 18,582 of India’s 32,937 new cases and 102 of India’s 417 new deaths. By contrast, the Ivermectin-using state of Delhi, with nearly the same population size, recorded only 53 new cases and ZERO deaths. In comparison, Uttar Pradesh, with almost eight times as many inhabitants, had only 30 new cases and ONE death.

Kerala had 619 times as many new cases as Uttar Pradesh and over 100 times as many deaths.

So what could Kerala be doing wrong?

Hint: Over-reliance on vaccines and under-reliance on Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh led India in its use and has done even better than Delhi because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively.

“Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that NONE OF THEM developed COVID-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.

Uttar Pradesh has a policy of treating ALL the contacts of an infected patient prophylactically with Ivermectin.  In other words, in Uttar Pradesh, everyone in the house gets Ivermectin treatment even if only one is infected. Ivermectin is known to reduce mortality in infected and dramatically lowers the viral load, thereby helping reduce the spread of the virus to others.

Dr. Tess Lawrie discussed the Ivermectin-related reduction in viral load and reduced transmissibility.

Tamil Nadu rejected India’s Ivermectin protocol on May 14 in favor of Remdesivir and mirrored our U.S. FDA policy. The U.S. also reflected Tamil Nadu’s dismal results.

To be clear, on April 22, the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) added Ivermectin to the protocol as an option for the early treatment – even in mild cases – of COVID-19.

This guideline was updated May 17, 2021,  and continues to incorporate Ivermectin, although some states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala have chosen NOT to adopt this Ivermectin protocol – much to their detriment.

Despite a widespread attempt by the media and WHO to convince the world that India has dropped Ivermectin by citing the DGHS, the ICMR and AIIMS have not changed their position, and Ivermectin remains in the India National Protocol.

While Kerala included Ivermectin in their state’s guideline in April, they restricted it’s use to only in Class B – severe cases or those with associated disease, making its use much less than if mild cases were allowed. This meant it was reserved as a late treatment if used at all.

Finally, Kerala abandoned Ivermectin use altogether on August 5, 2021.

Juan Chamie, the Cambridge-based data analyst who has provided graphical insight and published on COVID, provided his answer to why Kerala’s COVID cases have spun out of control.

“My main current explanation is the lack of early treatment. Kerala’s COVID protocol from April 2021 included Ivermectin, but not as an early treatment. As a result, only a small group qualified, those in Category B patients having high-risk factors. The new protocol from August 5 is even worse. They removed Ivermectin (completely).”

Another factor, according to Juan, was poor contact tracing. In addition, according to an Indian Governmental Audit, FAMILY TRANSMISSION was a significant problem.

The Hindu reported on  August 11, 2021, stated, “In districts such as Malappuram and Kozhikode, where the family size is huge and joint families are the norm, the transmission was spreading within families leading to a high test positivity rate.”

Juan Chamie added this about the test positivity rate, “If you look at the test positivity rate of Kerala, it declined from over 25% to 10% and remained stable around it. Since the last protocol change that removed Ivermectin, the positivity rate is increasing. In less than two weeks, the positivity rate jumped and right now is above 15%, the highest in the last two months.”

However, the most problematic feature is Kerala’s high vaccination rate compared to the other Indian States. While vaccination should be a good thing, it can have severe negative consequences when it leads to rampant viral transmission.

Uttar Pradesh beats all other states (except Bihar) with the lowest COVID deaths and infections because of early and preventative Ivermectin use IN ALL FAMILY CONTACTS. This is despite Uttar Pradesh having only a 4.9% vaccination rate, one of the five lowest of all states in India. On the other hand, Kerala ranks in the top five most vaccinated states. Kerala has vaccinated 70%  citizens 45 years and older, and almost 56% of its population has had at least one shot.

The problem with that is that vaccination may give a state a false sense of security.

For example, in an article published on August 13, the details of the Kerala lockdown were discussed. Those with a PCR negative test, those with prior resolved COVID infection, and those WITH AT LEAST ONE VACCINATION were exempted.

As of August 13, 56 percent of Kerala adults over age 18 who had received at least one shot were allowed to mingle and transmit the virus freely. While Ivermectin lowers the viral load and inhibits transmission, the same cannot be said for vaccination.

Viral loads of the vaccinated are just as high as those of the unvaccinated as the CDC has admitted. This means that a vaccinated infected person can spread the virus just as quickly as an unvaccinated. Moreover, the viral load of the Delta infection is often on the order of 1,000 times greater than in the original strain. Finally, a vaccinated person may have milder or no symptoms leading them to take fewer precautions.

Many people believe that breakthrough infections in the vaccinated are a rare occurrence. However, the truth of the matter is the opposite. Breakthrough infections can occur with even GREATER FREQUENCY in the vaccinated. For example, in the recent Massachusetts outbreak, the CDC reported that out of 469 cases, fully 74% occurred in the vaccinated.

Finally, the top five states surging in the United States with record COVID infections currently contain two states in the most vaccinated third: Oregon and Hawaii.

The situation in Oregon is severe enough to call the National Guard, while Hawaii’s health director is using terms like disaster and crisis.

“When we see this exponential growth in the amount of people that are getting infected with COVID-19 every day – 2,000 people in the last three days – that’s a crisis. And at the point at which we overwhelm our resources, that’s a disaster.”

As of August 16, 2021, Hawaii ranked number 17 in percent fully vaccinated at 54.29%. Oregon ranked number 12 with 56.79%.

And the Indian state of Kerala ranks in the top five most vaccinated of India’s 29 states. However, if a vaccinated person spreads the virus while someone on Ivermectin does not, that would explain Kerala’s epic failure.

The lesson?

Ivermectin can make up for the low use of vaccination. However, vaccination cannot make up for the low use of Ivermectin.

No ivermectin use high vaccination rate

Written by DCL

September 18, 2021 at 7:33 pm

India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part II

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Part II of a series on the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in India

Authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

Delhi Covid Cases pre and post ivermectin

Delhi Obliterates COVID with Ivermectin

“In India — where the Delta variant was first identified and caused a huge outbreak — cases have plunged over the past two months. A similar drop may now be underway in Britain. There is no clear explanation for these declines.”

David Leonhardt of the New York Times wrote this on July 30, 2021.

TrialSite News in May reported on “Beyond the Roundup” their analysis.

TSN reported that the Delta variant outbreak exploded in the last week of March, primarily in migrant workers. A large percent of these workers, up to 50% of all Indian citizens, travel to Mumbai each year. However, during April, as the outbreak spread, many workers returned to their hometowns, and many resided in Uttar Pradesh, causing this area to explode with cases.

On April 22, the ICMR and the AAIMS groups added Ivermectin to the India National protocol, and following this, according to TSN, cases dropped exponentially.

“At the national level, the massive surge that overtook the country at the beginning of April slowed exponentially after the new COVID-19 protocol was introduced, which includes the use of Ivermectin and Budesonide.” See Mark 6:58

“Cases in Uttar Pradesh, hometown to many migrant workers who fled Mumbai, have been dropping since April 24, and deaths have dropped since April 30.”

The narrator stated on May 15, 2021, that “the media is resistant to report on this topic (Ivermectin).”

“An important subsequent topic of study would be to compare the transmission rates, disease progression rates, and death rates among population exposed to the current Ivermectin and Budesonide regimen versus Remdesivir and other courses of action for more granular insight into care strategies.”

Subsequently, this question was answered. A natural population experiment unfolded where the Indian state of Tamil Nadu outlawed Ivermectin in favor of Remdesivir while Delhi and Uttar Pradesh continued Ivermectin.

The enormous success of Delhi was reviewed by this author twice:

The contrast with Tamil Nadu was reviewed:

The Burgundy graph above reveals the numbers in Delhi after they included Ivermectin in the protocol. Delhi is a city with 30 million inhabitants and, as of August 11, saw 37 new cases and ZERO deaths. By contrast, Tamil Nadu, a city of 78 million, saw 1964 new cases and 28 new deaths.

Tamil Nadu shares their rejection of Ivermectin and choice to use Remdesivir in common with the United States.

As of August 10, the United States, with 331 million inhabitants, saw 161,990 new cases and 1,049 new deaths. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India of comparable population to the US. Uttar Pradesh contains 241 million people. On August 10, Uttar Pradesh saw only 19 new cases and ONE death, over 1,000 times lower than the US.

The evidence in favor of Ivermectin is massive and overwhelming, which includes W.H.O. scientists Drs. Tess Lawrie’s and Andrew Hill’s recent highly-regarded and peer-reviewed publications [for anyone who wishes to show scientific data to their doctors]:

Dr. Pierre Kory also published a review:

Dr. Peter McCullough similarly published via preprint yet another review and all of these strongly showed the drug to be safe and effective against COVID-19.

What should alarm any reader is that Dr. Tess Lawrie reports that Dr. Andrew Hill’s paper’s conclusion was changed by his sponsor, and Dr. Hill was given a gag order on speaking to the media.

But the bottom line remains why India’s Ivermectin experience remains under a media blackout. Why does the New York Times, who should know better, say it is all a great mystery?

TSN offers an answer, “Despite the (Indian) government’s insistence on promoting Ivermectin and Budesonide, the media hasn’t shown interest in sharing this news. (Instead), the comments continue to promote Remdesivir as an effective drug, and the few media outlets that do refer to Ivermectin call it an unproven medicine or an outdated treatment. It is as if there are two different treatment realities, (one) on the ground and (one) in the local health systems. Millions of patients are now receiving Ivermectin, yet one would never know by the media topics.” See Mark 5:15.

“It’s almost as if there is a blackout on the topic.”

Allow me to offer an explanation. The cost of Remdesivir is $3,100 per dose, while the cost of Ivermectin is pennies.

While the US FDA is against using Ivermectin for COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial, the NIH is neither for or against and leaves the choice up to individual doctors treating individual patients as a matter of choice.

If India’s Ivermectin-using states have 1/1000 of the deaths non-Ivermectin-using countries have, why would you not?

Written by DCL

September 18, 2021 at 7:23 pm

India’s Ivermectin Blackout

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Part I of a series on the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in India

Authored by Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

News of India’s defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one’s face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it.

Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it. Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.

One can see the bias in Wikipedia by going on the “talk” pages for each subject and reading about the fierce attempts of editors to add these facts and the stone wall refusals by the “senior” editors who have an agenda. And that agenda is not loyalty to your health.

The easy way to read the “talk” page on any Wikipedia subject is to click the top left “talk” button. Anyone can then review the editors’ discussions.

There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India. When I discussed the dire straits that India found itself in early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day, and how that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, I am often asked, “But why is there no mention of that in the news?”

Yes, exactly. Ask yourself why India’s success against the Delta variant with Ivermectin is such a closely guarded secret by the NIH and CDC. Second, ask yourself why no major media outlets reported this fact, but instead, tried to confuse you with false information by saying the deaths in India are 10 times greater than official reports.

Perhaps NPR is trying so hard because NPR is essentially a government mouthpiece. The US government is “all-in” with vaccines with the enthusiasm of a 17th century Catholic Church “all-in” with a Geocentric Model of the Universe disputing Galileo. Claiming that India’s numbers are inaccurate might distract from the overwhelming success of Ivermectin.

But in the end, the truth matters. It mattered in 1616, and it matters in 2021.

India Uttar Pradesh State Data COVID/Ivermectin

The graphs and data from the Johns Hopkins University CSSE database do not lie. On the contrary, they provide a compelling trail of truth that no one can dispute, not even the NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO.

Just as Galileo proved with his telescope that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe in 1616; today, the data from India shows that Ivermectin is effective, much more so than the vaccines. It not only prevents death, but it also prevents COVID infections, and it also is effective against the Delta Variant.

In 1616, you could not make up the telescopic images of Jupiter and its orbiting moons, nor could you falsify the crescent-shaped images of Venus and Mercury. These proved that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe – a truth the Catholic Church could not allow.

Likewise, the massive drop in cases and deaths in India to almost nothing after the addition of Ivermectin proved the drug’s effectiveness. This is a truth that the NIH, CDC, and FDA cannot allow because it would endanger the vaccine policy.

Never mind that Ivermectin would save more lives with much less risk, much less cost, and it would end the pandemic quickly.

Let us look at the burgundy-colored graph of Uttar Pradesh. First, allow me to thank Juan Chamie, a highly-respected Cambridge-based data analyst, who created this graph from the JHU CSSE data. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India that contains 241 million people. The United States’ population is 331 million people. Therefore, Uttar Pradesh can be compared to the United States, with 2/3 of our population size.

This data shows how Ivermectin knocked their COVID-19 cases and deaths – which we know were Delta Variant – down to almost zero within weeks. A population comparable to the US went from about 35,000 cases and 350 deaths per day to nearly ZERO within weeks of adding Ivermectin to their protocol.

By comparison, the United States is the lower graph. On August 5, here in the good ol’ USA, blessed with the glorious vaccines, we have 127,108 new cases per day and 574 new deaths.

Let us look at the August 5 numbers from Uttar Pradesh with 2/3 of our population. Uttar Pradesh, using Ivermectin, had a total of 26 new cases and exactly THREE deaths. The US without Ivermectin has precisely 4889 times as many daily cases and 191 times as many deaths as Uttar Pradesh with Ivermectin.

It is not even close. Countries do orders of magnitude better WITH Ivermectin. It might be comparable to the difference in travel between using an automobile versus a horse and buggy.


Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin:  Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 26

COVID Daily Deaths: 3

The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 127,108

COVID Daily Deaths: 574

Let us look at other Ivermectin using areas of India with numbers from August 5, 2021, compiled by the JHU CSSE:

Delhi on Ivermectin: Population 31 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 61

COVID Daily Deaths: 2

Uttarakhand on Ivermectin: Population 11.4 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 24

COVID Daily Deaths: 0

Now let us look at an area of India that rejected Ivermectin.

Tamil Nadu announced they would reject Ivermectin and instead follow the dubious USA-style guidance of using Remdesivir. Knowing this, you might expect their numbers to be closer to the US, with more cases and more deaths. You would be correct. Tamil Nadu went on to lead India in COVID-19 cases.

Tamil Nadu continues to suffer for its choice to reject Ivermectin. As a result, the Delta variant continues to ravage their citizens while it was virtually wiped out in the Ivermectin-using states. Likewise, in the United States, without Ivermectin, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated continue to spread the Delta variant like wildfire.

Tamil Nadu off Ivermectin: Population 78.8 Million [6.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 1,997

COVID Daily Deaths: 33

Like the JHU CSSE data, Galileo’s telescope did not lie either, and the truth can usually be found in plain sight. Ivermectin works, and it works exceedingly well. Harvard-trained virologist Dr. George Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson of California’s Imperial Valley, have saved 99.9% of their patients with a COVID Cocktail that includes Ivermectin. They have released versions of their new book published in the Desert Review that everyone should read.

I could talk about how every one of my patients who used Ivermectin recovered rapidly, about my most recent case who felt 90% better within 48 hours of adding the drug, but I won’t. I could write about how Wikipedia censors more than Pravda, about how you should always read the “talk” section of EVERY Wikipedia article to go behind the scenes and understand what the editors DO NOT want you to read, but I will refrain.

I could write about VAERS and how it is so much easier to navigate by following Open VAERS or how Wikipedia has unfairly portrayed Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s sharpest and most credible doctors. But I will hold back.

I could also discuss our current cancer treatment system’s dangers and how chemotherapy and radiation stimulate cancer stem cells and cancer recurrence. About how this information has been suppressed and how the addition of repurposed drug cocktails can help prevent this, but I digress.

I could recite the history of early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 with repurposed drugs, including Ivermectin, with all the specifics, and EXACTLY WHY this lifesaving information has been censored, but instead, I will leave researching these topics to each of you readers as individuals.

Because you already know what will happen if you simply sit back and swallow what the media are feeding you. You MUST question what the government tells you, and always DO YOUR OWN research.

Following the 1616 Inquisition of Galileo, the Pope banned all books and letters that argued the sun was the center of the Universe instead of the Earth. Similarly, today, the FDA and WHO have banned any use of Ivermectin for COVID outside of a clinical trial.

YouTube and Wikipedia both consider Ivermectin for COVID as heresy.

“YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19… Treatment misinformation: claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.”

Wikipedia defines heresy as:  “any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular the accepted beliefs of a church or religious organization. The term is usually used in reference to violations of important religious teachings, but is also used of views strongly opposed to any generally accepted ideas. A heretic is a proponent of heresy.”

Heresy is disagreeing with the government, or their health authority, even if they are all wrong and even if their policies harm people. Today we no longer call it heresy; it is labeled as misinformation.

Galileo was found guilty of heresy and sentenced on June 22, 1633, to formal imprisonment, although this was commuted to house arrest, under which he remained for the rest of his life.

On August 7, 2021 Medpage Today published a new quiz, “Can COVID Misinformation Cost You Your Medical License?”

Written by DCL

September 18, 2021 at 7:15 pm

Is it Bad to Say I Told You So? …I Guess I Just Did.

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Since May of 2020 I have been writing occasionally about the things I’ve read, seen, heard, discovered, and learned about COVID, the PCR tests, the “vaccines”, and the politics that have been thoroughly mixed into every part of the pandemic.

I learned early on, by reading the CDC literature, that a virus was never isolated by any definition or scientific standard. Jon Rappoport, a veteran investigative journalist in the medical and health field, made this clear in his research. They didn’t have a virus per se, they had a soup of goop pulled out of someone’s nasal cavity which they would mix with another soup they make in their laboratories to see if any cells get “infected” by something in the combined soup bowl. Then they would amplify it millions of times using the PCR test until they saw something that indicated a person may have the virus. A case. A case didn’t have to show symptoms and suddenly, belying all previous science, asymptomatic people were a danger to others.

Throughout 2020 cases were blowing up around the world. Cases became synonymous with infection. Everything modern medicine knew about viruses miraculously changed when public health married partisan politics and “we’ve never done anything like this before” became blanket policy. Lockdowns, masks, and separation led to panic, division, anger, and tribalism. The flip flops seemed to arrive weekly. “No need for masks,” they said. “Everyone should wear a mask,” they then insisted. “Kid’s are very low risk for infection or transmission,” they assured us. “Mask your kids, separate them, no recess, no mingling, we can’t have them infecting their teachers” they demanded. Little of it made any sense and even less was corroborated by the science. The pre-2020 science that is… In 2020 common sense and science became a conspiracy stance and syunce.

They did everything in their power, using every means available, to convince America the draconian policies they were implementing were effective and necessary, but after a year and a half the data said otherwise.

The beautiful thing about truth is it does eventually find its way to the surface no matter how hard those who fear it try to bury it. The beautiful thing about the technological age we live in is it’s much harder to completely hide the truth, which means a campaign of misinformation and disinformation must also be implemented to keep the masses from paying attention to those “other information sources” where the truth tends to bubble up and that happened too.

Today Mr. Rappoport once again blew away the smoke and shattered the mirrors of big tech, big media, and big pharma with verifiable, documented proof that what he and others have been reporting, and I have been sharing, is true and the general public has been fed a very sophisticated and narrated mixed cocktail of truth and fiction this entire time. Manufactured by politicians and politically motivated public health officials, perpetuated by mainstream news media, and ultimately parroted and defended by decent people who STILL want to believe the leaders in these arenas would never lie to them.

I apologize for that long lead-in. But sometimes tooting your own horn feels too good to pass up.

Here’s the latest:

CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
by Jon Rappoport

The CDC has issued a document that bulges with interesting and devastating admissions.

The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” [1] It begins explosively:

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” I don’t think the CDC is saying that at all.

They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” [2] [2a] Here is a killer quote:

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation.[Emphasis added] While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, it’s unbelievable, right? And that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And, “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.

BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”: [[3] thru [3i]]

They have a soup they make in their labs.

This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients.

There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.

Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.”

Other than that, it’s perfect.















Written by DCL

July 29, 2021 at 3:46 pm

Posted in Health, News, Politics, Science

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Social Media Censorship: “Oh No You Don’t!”

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The Social Media giants have moved so far to the left and have become so political, driven by an extreme ideology, that what was once a bastion for free thought, speech, and communication, is now a dictatorial groupthink tank where those who do not share the same thoughts and ideas, or comply with the dictators demands, are ostracized, punished, and/or banned.

The Twitter that helped the world see the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party through the tweets of Chinese human rights activists in 2010 is, only a decade later, the Twitter of censorship and selective activism spawned from classic cultural Marxism.

This dramatic shift in what will and what will not be allowed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is far from being just an ideological war on words. It is now putting people’s lives at risk by removing and banning truth and evidentiary information simply because that truth and evidence doesn’t align with the dictatorial edicts of the founders of those platforms.

Case in point, yesterday I posted an article by journalist and Senior Editor at, Daniel Horowitz, discussing ongoing censorship of medical doctors and researchers regarding the outpatient treatment of COVID-19 using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. It is well researched and fact laden and in my opinion a must read for anyone wanting to learn about very real and very effective options to treating COVID even at late or more advanced stages of the disease. You can READ IT HERE.

Within minutes of posting I received this notification from Facebook:

Facebook CensorshipFalse information?!? Resulting in physical harm? Are you kidding me? It’s the suppression of this information that is resulting in unnecessary suffering and deaths around the world!

Incensed by this rebuke and outright lie by Facebook, I took a screen shot determined to make it clear this was not false information and that Facebook was censoring verifiable truth and documented science. So I posted the screen shots with a short line that read: “Share an article about censorship and get censored. FB knows more about medicine than my doctor…”

Immediately another notification popped up on my screen. Facebook had seen enough. They were putting me in Time Out.
















Harassment and bullying? Wait…what?

Facebook slapped me with a 24 hour suspension for attempting to shame them in their dishonesty which in their liberal world is “harassment and bullying.” Well, they showed me by golly! They even blocked the screenshots so no one could see their pathetic actions. Next a notification popped up explaining their lie and why their opinion is more important and accurate than the truth. Then another notification popped up asking me if I agreed or disagreed with their decision. Of course, I disagreed and this was their reply:

I have to be brutally honest I would have been less angry and frustrated had they just replied like this:


So there I was, banished for 24 hours for being so bold as to scoff at the Face of the Book. Any attempt to like or comment on other posts resulted in a quick reminder of my crime.


Personally this wasn’t a big deal, but professionally it kinda was. I manage and moderate several Facebook groups for clients of mine. Guess what? Once Facebook finds you guilty of defying their dictatorial edicts, your punishment goes beyond activity on your personal page. They don’t let you do anything, not even unrelated work on someone else’s page or group as an admin. The Silicon Valley soy boys really know how to throw a virtual punch. My mouse is stinging.

Finally, on March 18, 2021 at 1:00 PM Mountain Standard Time I was released from my 24 hour detention…now to find a way to get that article up on Facebook.

I wonder how long the sentencing is for a second conviction?


Written by DCL

March 18, 2021 at 1:55 pm