The Long Version

Retired broadcast journalist. Blogging helps scratch the itch. Recovering exRepublican – Sober and still Conservative.

Posts Tagged ‘Facebook

Social Media Censorship: “Oh No You Don’t!”

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The Social Media giants have moved so far to the left and have become so political, driven by an extreme ideology, that what was once a bastion for free thought, speech, and communication, is now a dictatorial groupthink tank where those who do not share the same thoughts and ideas, or comply with the dictators demands, are ostracized, punished, and/or banned.

The Twitter that helped the world see the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party through the tweets of Chinese human rights activists in 2010 is, only a decade later, the Twitter of censorship and selective activism spawned from classic cultural Marxism.

This dramatic shift in what will and what will not be allowed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is far from being just an ideological war on words. It is now putting people’s lives at risk by removing and banning truth and evidentiary information simply because that truth and evidence doesn’t align with the dictatorial edicts of the founders of those platforms.

Case in point, yesterday I posted an article by journalist and Senior Editor at, Daniel Horowitz, discussing ongoing censorship of medical doctors and researchers regarding the outpatient treatment of COVID-19 using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. It is well researched and fact laden and in my opinion a must read for anyone wanting to learn about very real and very effective options to treating COVID even at late or more advanced stages of the disease. You can READ IT HERE.

Within minutes of posting I received this notification from Facebook:

Facebook CensorshipFalse information?!? Resulting in physical harm? Are you kidding me? It’s the suppression of this information that is resulting in unnecessary suffering and deaths around the world!

Incensed by this rebuke and outright lie by Facebook, I took a screen shot determined to make it clear this was not false information and that Facebook was censoring verifiable truth and documented science. So I posted the screen shots with a short line that read: “Share an article about censorship and get censored. FB knows more about medicine than my doctor…”

Immediately another notification popped up on my screen. Facebook had seen enough. They were putting me in Time Out.
















Harassment and bullying? Wait…what?

Facebook slapped me with a 24 hour suspension for attempting to shame them in their dishonesty which in their liberal world is “harassment and bullying.” Well, they showed me by golly! They even blocked the screenshots so no one could see their pathetic actions. Next a notification popped up explaining their lie and why their opinion is more important and accurate than the truth. Then another notification popped up asking me if I agreed or disagreed with their decision. Of course, I disagreed and this was their reply:

I have to be brutally honest I would have been less angry and frustrated had they just replied like this:


So there I was, banished for 24 hours for being so bold as to scoff at the Face of the Book. Any attempt to like or comment on other posts resulted in a quick reminder of my crime.


Personally this wasn’t a big deal, but professionally it kinda was. I manage and moderate several Facebook groups for clients of mine. Guess what? Once Facebook finds you guilty of defying their dictatorial edicts, your punishment goes beyond activity on your personal page. They don’t let you do anything, not even unrelated work on someone else’s page or group as an admin. The Silicon Valley soy boys really know how to throw a virtual punch. My mouse is stinging.

Finally, on March 18, 2021 at 1:00 PM Mountain Standard Time I was released from my 24 hour detention…now to find a way to get that article up on Facebook.

I wonder how long the sentencing is for a second conviction?


Written by DCL

March 18, 2021 at 1:55 pm

Internet Identification Program…HUH?

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I have a seriously hard time believing this Big Brother idea will ever see the light of day, but then I didn’t see Cougar Town becoming must see TV for my wife either…  Should that bother me?

The Washington Times is warning that the White House cybersecurity adviser and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke are drawing up President Obama’s mandate for what amounts to a national ID card for the Internet.

President Obama wants to establish passwords for every citizen to centralize your personal information. Instead of logging onto Facebook or one’s bank using separate passwords established with each individual company or web site, you will be required to use the government-issued password.

According to the Washington Times, here are the problems with what some are dubbing “ObamaNet”:

  • The government will be able to track every web site you visit and every keystroke you send on your home computer.
  • The government will be able to track every purchase you make and every deposit and withdrawal, and gain access to your electronic health care records.
  • The government will be able to track every blog comment you make, along with every Facebook and Twitter post.
  • The government will be able to create lists of your friends and acquaintances and lists of all your political affiliations, political donations, club memberships, hobbies and interests.
  • It’s impossible for the government to make this system 100% secure (remember Wikileaks?), meaning criminals would need to steal only one key to unlock a vast amount of your personal and financial information.

Although the White House will tell you it is a voluntary program, the government “voluntary” programs too often end up becoming mandatory.

Written by DCL

January 28, 2011 at 6:36 pm