The Long Version

Retired broadcast journalist. Blogging helps scratch the itch. Recovering exRepublican – Sober and still Conservative.

Top 10 Reasons to Hate Mitt Romney

with 223 comments

Top Ten Reasons To Hate Mitt Romney

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...

A lot is being said in the media about Mitt Romney not being “likable” or that he doesn’t “relate well” to people.

So after much research, here is a Top Ten List to explain this “un-likablility.”

Top Ten Reasons To Hate Mitt Romney:

1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike demeanor. Looks like every central casting’s #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.

2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.

3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)

4. Can’t speak in a fake, southern, “preacher voice” when necessary.  (Could learn a thing or two from Hillary, Al, or Barack in that area)

5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School…and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.

6. Doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today’s America?

7. Represents an America of “yesterday”, where people believed in God, went to Church, didn’t screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!

8. Has a family of five great sons….and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that “choice” deserves America’s scorn.

9. Oh yes…..he’s a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.

10. And one more point…..pundits say because of his wealth, he can’t relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that’s because he made that money HIMSELF… opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn’t understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you un-relatable to Americans.


*I am not the original author of this Top 10 List.  I have tried to search for the original post to provide attribution to its author, but have not located it to date.

Written by DCL

July 30, 2012 at 3:28 pm

223 Responses

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  1. What a crock of steaming crap… *laffs* You can pretty much apply the same points to Obama:

    1. Obama oozes class, dresses beautifully, has that sexy intense stare and can carry a tune!

    2. Been married to the same lovely, vibrant woman and has been loving and faithful to her as well.

    3. No scandals or skeletons in Obama’s closet either, he has been rather generous in sharing his thoughts, beliefs and life with us in his books and press conferences and interviews… but you can’t say that with any truth about Romney… for example, not divulging his hidden offshore businesses in his wife’s name… hiding his tax returns when it is customary for presidents to be far more financially transparent. Lying about his residences when we was governor etc… I could go on… but I have a date and want to wrap this up…

    4.Obama has superb oratory skills and even has written some of his speeches… he has a great command of his Presence and doesn’t come off as a rusty robot like Romney does.

    5. Obama is also extremely intelligent and Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, which, according to the Harvard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of the school’s students. He was also elected as the first black President of the Law Review, an honor that the school says is given to a student seen to have great potential for the legal field. (Wiki) So Obama beat Romney in the intelligent dept with his Magna vs Romney’s Cum Laud and Romney never made history of anything whereas Obama has twice.

    6. Romney has Obama beat here if you consider not experimenting with life, culture, society, and your own boundaries as something to be proud of. I don’t. Obama has experience in areas of growth and evolvement and understanding of the main population that Romney doesn’t have and never will. Though he does smoke cigarettes which isn’t cool, he has been struggling to stop. So have I for that matter.

    7. He, too, represents an America that embraces a belief in God, goes to Church, doesn’t screw around, worked hard, and became a brilliant SUCCESS! Brilliant! And he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth to get him started, either.

    8. He has two gorgeous daughters who are extremely intelligent like their father and neither of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a mom who has high ethics, strong morals and a great sense of fun!

    9. Obama is not a Mormon but he has a strong belief in the freedom of religion.

    10. And last but not least…..people say because Romney was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up in an extremely wealthy family, he can’t relate to ordinary Americans. And I agree. Romney never knew what it was like to have to rob Peter to pay Paul or to wonder if he could afford to go to college and make something of himself. Daddy paid for his college. Romney never knew what it was like to have to shop in Walmart because he couldn’t afford to shop at Neiman Marcus or whatever high end shops the extremely wealthy shop. He never knew what it was like to have eat boxed mac a roni and cheese, or ramen noodles or tubed hamburger or canned corn because he couldn’t afford the gormet, organic foods… Romney never knew what it was it like to choose whether to pay the electric bill or buy food for his family. No. Romney has no idea what it is like to be an ordinary American. Sure he was a success and that’s the American dream, but his success wasn’t about building up his community nor did he choose a career that the community could benefit from like a doctor, or community organizer or a sociologist or plumber or a garbage man… Romney’s career choice was about tearing down the community and pocketing the profits.

    Obama, on the other hand, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth… he knew what it was like to rob Peter to pay Paul… He knew what it was like to desire something and not be able to have it. Obama paid for his college through scholarships and student loans that he was still paying on when he published his books. His writing and publishing eventually brought him millions and made him a wild success. So yes, he understands the ordinary American because he’s been there and he also understands the desire to own the American Dream because he succeeded by his own hand. Obama went from nothing to the President of the United States. I’d say he has Romney beat there, too.

    Liked by 8 people

    Pritty Brains

    August 20, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    • You don’t know a whole lot about your candidate, but then neither does America. I’ll give you numbers 1, 2, but 3 Bull-oney. The man is as secretive about his past as Howard Hughes. We don’t know anything about this guy. College transcripts are sealed. Why? You want to see Romney’s tax returns so you can beat him over the head with “you’re too rich”, but no one on your side says a word about Obama’s hidden past.

      #4 Obama is a great reader…without the teleprompter he’s slightly better than Biden. #5 Obama is a smart guy – street smart. I don’t think he’s all that intelligent and I question the legitimacy of his Harvard experience. Until he opens up his sealed past I and millions of other Americans will question it. #6 Ok. #7 I got a problem with Rev Wright and those 20 years in that church hearing that inflammatory rhetoric as opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sorry, but I don’t think that’s what Wright is preaching.

      #8 agreed. #9 I can’t say for sure what his faith is or what religion he adheres to. It isn’t readily apparent as it is with Mitt or Presidents past.

      #10 shows how little you honestly know about Mitt Romney’s past. Born with a silver spoon? If you mean born into a wealthy family fine, is that a crime? Something to be scorned? Mitt Romney worked for everything he had. When he went to BYU he lived off of a meager wage and lived in a small basement apartment with concrete floors. Mitt’s parents offered financial aid but he refused. You assume much with nothing but “I say so” to back it up. You also parrot the now debunked talking points about Bain Capital. But why let facts get in the way of your myopic view through those dark blue glasses. “Romney never knew what it was like to shop at Walmart” you say. Really? And how do you know this? Do you know him personally? Have personal ties to his past? No, just assumptions based on what you read at or the Huffington Post or any other liberal attack media.

      Thanks for the comment. There’s a morbid curiosity in me that wants to see how much damage an unleashed lame duck Obama can do with another term. The pragmatic side of me shudders at the thought.

      Liked by 9 people


      August 21, 2012 at 9:39 pm

      • I know more about my candidate than you obviously know. You should research quite a bit more… try reading some of his books to begin. It’s apparent you haven’t or you would not have said he is secretive and that you know nothing of him, because his books reveal quite a bit.

        Numbers 1 and 2 we agree with.

        #3 If you would do a bit of research you would learn that few presidents have ever given over their college transcripts, though they have given over many years of their taxes, including Romney’s own father… probably because, unlike you, they realize the importance of their taxes vs their college transcripts. I mean, who cares what a GPA is beyond getting a job and writing up a resume? I’ve known people who flunked out, but had an //a/s/s// kicking resume that got them the position they sought, so have you, I’m sure. Who cares whether or not a president once skipped classes or whether a POTUS once dropped out of a class or left it incompleted etc etc… but taxes are a whole other animal and if past presidents can see the difference why can’t you? Huh?

        Taxes, will show whether or not Romney can handle the economy… taxes are a behind the scenes kind of thing… sure the headlines will scream Romney is a great businessman because on the surface he made all these millions, but his taxes will show how he managed to be a great businessman, how he made all those millions and at WHOSE expense. This will tell the people a magnitude of things…

        In addition his taxes will tell us when he was actually removed from Bain Capital. He says he left Bain in 1999 to go play with the Olympics and never had another thing to do with Bain, but SEC says he was still drawing profits from Bain as late as 2001/2002, this is including profits from GST Steel when it was bankrupted by Bain Capital, which as you know, has become a nasty scandal, that Romney denies wholly. I can understand why he wants to hide it from the People. It’s very ugly. This is why Romney’s taxes take precident over mere college transcipts, that after four years now, is null and void, old news, republican cliches that no longer work. Next?

        #4 Again the same old republican bull, the teleprompter gig… Every single past president has used the teleprompter and notecards for every speech they made and god knows Bush should have used more! Obama writes some of his speeches and wrote two books under his own hand without the usual ghost writers. Obama is a brilliant writer and orator and politician. And this brings us to …

        #5 Obama graduated Magna cum Laude, your choice to disregard that fact does not make it false, it just makes you look silly and petulant. To use your word, stop ‘demonizing’ Obama because of your lack of facts that are accessible. His degree is a fact, so research it. Combine his scholarly intelligence with his street smarts and you have a very wise person who can relate to most of America and Obama is very wise. Read his books. He writes beautifully, lyrically, and you can see in his words he’s the type of person who learns from his experiences and observations and then applies to his life what he learns. As to ‘millions of Americans’ who are concerned about Obama’s transcripts, I think your numbers have shrunk considerably in light of the importance of Romney’s taxes.

        Number we 6 agree on.

        #7 Reverend Wright was a radical aspect of Obama’s past and he said as much… read his books. People evolve and change with time and experience. So do people who become presidents. Obama is black, there is no denying this and he was born during a time of racial inflammation in our country. White people were effected during that time, so why is it such a big freaking deal when black people are effected? It was about them, after all. So yeah, Obama was effected and influenced by his surroundings and environment, by his parents, by his society and the people in his life, including his teachers, professors, ministers… etc. And this is a terrible thing? Then condemn every single person ever born.

        Number 8 we agree on.

        #9 It doesn’t matter what his religion is, what matters is how be treats other people’s religions and I reiterate, he is a believer of freedom of religion.

        #10 I probably know as much about Romney’s childhood as you do about Obama’s. However I do know the man never had to do without. He had money growing up hence his silver spoon and connections through his father when he became an adult. Location location location also applies to who you know and Romney was always in the right place with the right people. Because of Daddy. And no there is no scorn here, just facts…

        Romney has no idea what it is like to be an ordinary American, one who does not have an elevator for his vehicles for example, those vehicles that haven’t been repossessed that is. I’m sure Romney has never had to worry about making his car payments, do you? *laffs*

        I bet you, Romney and his family have no idea what boxed macaroni and cheese taste like or have ever heard of Ramen noodles. I bet you that his family, wife and sons have no idea what it is like to do laundry with their own hands, to scrub toilets with their own hands, to get on their knees and dig their garden so they’ll have supplemental food. Romney grew up with people hired to do this for him and Romney’s sons grew up with people hired to do these mundane tasks for them. To deny this would be foolish on your part.

        No, I don’t know Romney personally and he doesn’t seem to be the type of person I’d want to know because he seems too slick and oily, with too much to hide… he seems to be the type who has had everything at his fingertips all his life. *snap snap* Has had everything he’s ever wanted. Until now, in his bid for the presidency, he has never known what true desire is. So what do you give to a man who seems to have everything?

        Why the Oval Office, of course. The last notch in his belt. That’s all he cares about.

        America? America is merely a stepping stone for this man… nothing more. A means to an end.

        And if he gains the White House it surely will be The End.

        Liked by 3 people

        Pritty Brains

        August 22, 2012 at 12:58 am

        • You make some very far reaching assumptions which are rarely accurate. I have read much about Mr. Obama, but I’m sure my sources would be questioned by you as yours (Daily KOS, et al) are questioned by me.

          I do respect your views and your opinions which are well articulated and thoughtful and I appreciate the overall civil tone of your comments. I’m sure we both love our country and want to see it governed in the best possible way, however our views of which direction is best are quite different it appears. Although I’d wager we are closer in many ways than these few exchanges would indicate.

          Thanks for coming to the blog. I hope you’ll visit again and continue to share your views with your comments. I try to be open to conflicting viewpoints and give them serious consideration and thought depending on how well they are delivered and sourced and believe it or not I have adjusted my views before after discussions with my friends on the left. The GST issue has also been fully vetted and much of what has been written by the liberal blogs has been shown to be contextually inaccurate. I blogged on that recently and you can read it here.

          Thanks again for sharing your views. I do enjoy good discussion with people who can have a “good discussion” without throwing stones. (not that I have never thrown a stone or two. but I repented… =)

          Liked by 1 person


          August 22, 2012 at 9:49 am

          • Hey man… You may be trying to do an honorable thing… but in every comment you’ve made you made a personal attack on the person leaving the comment… That shows a level of defensiveness that is disconcerting and speaks to the lack of confidence you have in your own remarks.



            January 20, 2015 at 5:37 pm

          • No it shows sarcasm… it’s a fun way to show rude people they’re being rude without being rude. Kind of. Thanks for your judgements.



            January 22, 2015 at 12:21 pm

        • So help me understand why someone would seal their college records when all it shows is GPA? I almost feel bad replying to this one because you really don’t look very smart in your reply. Just ask yourself why? Why seal them and spend millions of dollars to keep them sealed and hidden? You throw a tantrum about Romney hiding something with his taxes but you don’t even blink at the thought that your own guy is hiding something? See how disingenuous that is?

          Honestly, as I read more of your posts I realize you’re not as brainy as your username would infer. You’re pretty much a parrot of the party line with all of the familiar buzz words, catch phrases, and talking points heard over and over in the mainstream media.

          Debating with you wouldn’t be much fun. Sorry.

          You can declare victory if you like but I’ll let readers judge for themselves whether your “points” have any validity or whether I was simply merciful by bowing out.

          Have a great life and if Obama does win, don’t be too shattered when things don’t go the way you think they will.

          If Romney wins, don’t be too surprised if your life actually improves.

          So long, farewell, adieu.

          Liked by 2 people


          August 22, 2012 at 11:02 pm

          • I’m so glad we treat our choice of government like our choice of sports teams.



            January 16, 2015 at 5:00 pm

        • But why male models?

          Liked by 1 person


          January 16, 2015 at 11:06 pm

        • Actually, Romney has been a Mormon Bishop and Stake President. They are like a pastor type figure over a ward of a few hundred in the LDS church. They are not paid, it is strictly voluntary and takes personal time and sacrifice. They deal with many needy families when it comes to food, income hardships, as well as just personal emotional hardships like death, divorce, illness or other issues. He’s seen his fair share of real life hardship. Counseled and hurt for these people. He’s served a 2 year mission in a foreign country. As a member of the LDS church, you learn to constantly serve and work hard. He’s seen struggle in his life. Just because he has had his monetary needs met throughout his life doesn’t mean he hasn’t had still worked hard and had real life experiences. No, he’s not perfect. No one is. But I think his list of good characteristics completely outweigh any of his bad ones.

          Liked by 5 people


          January 16, 2015 at 11:25 pm

        • Why does having a reposessed car and being unsuccessful at life become something you desire in a presidential candidate. I’m sorry, but the president needs to be an exemplary man. The best of the best.

          Liked by 3 people


          January 17, 2015 at 1:19 am

          • Are you suggesting we have that now? And who would you say is that exemplary man who could run in 2016?



            January 17, 2015 at 1:52 pm

        • I gotta stop you here in regards to number 10. You are making unfounded assumptions. You must not know anybody of integrity that has ever had money. You must understand that money doesn’t cause people to become self-appointed kings and magistrates. You’ve seen too many movies like Wall Street and jump to the conclusion that everybody that has achieved success is automatically Gordon Gekko. Money doesn’t change people. Money magnifies who people are. If they are a dishonest jerk they become a HUGE lying prick. But if they are good, honest, charitable people then they become a force for good in the world like no other, giving freely of they time, talents and money to good causes. The reason you don’t read about this as much is because in the case of humble people like Mitt, they do it secretively and quietly for the sole purpose of not trying to gain recognition for it. They do it out of love. Hard to believe, right? I mean, think of how much that recognition could help him politically! No, they give, give, give and all the while ask for nothing in return. I lived in Chile with Mitt’s son. Not only did he not have a maid like you allege but he SERVED others. He served and loved the people of Chile for two years without pay. He walked the streets of the ghetto day after day with a smile on his face in the sweltering heat and the freezing cold. This is what Mitt did in France. This is what his other four sons did around the world. Doesn’t seem to fit your stereotype. I’ve been to Mitt’s house several times. I’ve been to his son’s house. Believe it or not, they actually do not employ housekeepers. They are responsible and hard-working people who clean up after themselves. I spent New Year’s Eve with Mitt and his family before he announced his campaign in 2012. Mitt MADE AND SERVED me dinner that night. Yes, MITT. Not Ann. Not their non-existent butler or private chef. Mitt is part of a rare breed of inhumanly generous, funny, and brilliant people. Accept that. And accept that his desire to get this country on track are righteous. Believe me. They are that and only that.

          Liked by 6 people


          January 17, 2015 at 9:56 am

        • As soon as you start to say “I bet” you lose all cred. At that point it all becomes assumption not based in fact.



          January 17, 2015 at 2:52 pm

        • Hey Pritty Brains, I only wanted to comment on one of the things that I find amusing about your little list. Number 2 refers to Obama’s books. The cover flap on the one about his father says that Obama was born in Kenya. Either he was lying then or he is lying now as he says he was born in Hawaii. Regardless of when he lied he is a liar. I am not a fan of that and never will be.

          Liked by 1 person

          Daniel McCuen

          January 17, 2015 at 5:16 pm

        • I see you wrote this in 2012. I wonder what your view of Obama is now?



          January 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm

        • Obama is a freaking socialist. He’s racist, anti American, and has said that the American people are too small minded to continue being allowed to elect their leaders. I am so grateful it’s his last term. I could care less about where he went to school, what religious beliefs he does or doesn’t have, or whether his money was inherited or self made. There isn’t one change he has forced through that I consider beneficial to this country. Obamacare? Caused thousands of people to lose insurance policies they could afford and forced them to get one they can’t. He’s incapable of keeping his word to the people, doesn’t keep us informed of policy changes until after it’s too late to say anything, and puts his presidential fingers all over issues that a president should let the citizens decide (but wait, we’re too small minded!) And if his successor is to be Hillary, you bet I would vote for Romney. She’s just as bad.

          Liked by 1 person


          January 17, 2015 at 6:24 pm

        • Neither (to most of the above) did John Kennedy.
          Lydon Johnson married his money and his wife bought him a seat in the Senate.
          Bill Clinton didn’t marry his money…but his wife used his position as Governor ….to keep their poor heads above water.
          Obama got a house in Chicago under highly suspect circumstances with the help of …let’s just say a suspect.
          Hillary has never had a job that was not based on her husband’s political connections….except for the one as a staffer for Congress from which she was fired.
          Jimmy Carter is the only Democrat President in the last hundred years who knew what it was like to be an ordinary American trying to make it on peanuts.
          Well, Okay, I’ll give ya Harry S., too.

          Liked by 1 person

          Jim Hale

          January 17, 2015 at 11:06 pm

        • Obama was Ted Kennedy’s gift to the people of the United States! I never did like the man…


          Dennis Villa

          January 18, 2015 at 11:15 am

        • You make many accusations in your response here. This carries irony as you point your finger at the original post and make an attempt to call “it” out for making accusations against your Obama. When in fact it never mentioned Obama. Not once. So you can leave him frankly out of the argument.

          I challenge you to spend one week shadowing the life of an LDS Stake President (of which Mitt Romney has once been) and then tell me, objectively, how much Mitt likely does or does not know about ordinary life, ordinary people, and what it means to sacrifice much of ones own time for the “ordinary”.



          January 18, 2015 at 4:11 pm

        • I hope my tax dollars aren’t supporting you as you waste internet space spewing your meaningless crap.


          Thync Ingman

          January 19, 2015 at 9:11 pm

          • I’m a conservative not a government mooch. Thanks for stopping by though.



            January 19, 2015 at 11:03 pm

        • I’m assuming this comment was made before he made his tax records public… However, Romney did release his Tax Records… and much to the liberal media’s dismay it showed that he donated approximately 30% of his income to charity. He was probably reluctant to share that information because Mormons believe that charity should be done in private. Telling everyone “Hey look how charitable I am!” gives you praise from man, but not God.

          Liked by 1 person


          January 20, 2015 at 7:58 am

        • I actually hometeach one of Romney’s nephews. No, they’ve never been poor, but the family isn’t as clueless as you think they are.



          June 14, 2015 at 10:48 pm

        • Bro you’ve done research? Yea, on Wiki. #micdrop



          March 11, 2016 at 3:05 pm

        • You are very angry. You say i bet… Mac and cheese from a box. If he worked and paid his way through collage with scholarships then he ate on the cheap. You are a/s/s/uming too much. I am unbiased here. Both men are great! Romney was vilified by the press; Obama been treated extremely poorly.

          You can”t blame Romney for being born rich and then becoming successful. The same way I can’t be angry with President Obama for being so blessed with intelectual superiority. Romney could have aquandered his wealth and failed to live up to his potential but he didn’t. President Obama could have stayed in a black community remaining bitter about inequality but he decided to rise above. Both a wonderful men!!!

          Why are people always so unwilling to see the good in all men women? Why look at them through negatively tinted lenses?


          Ensenador Jones

          March 12, 2016 at 3:06 am

      • Please don’t feed the trolls. Anyone who is still defending Obama as their Lord and Master isn’t worth replying to. Next thing you know Pritty Brains will be talking about how Obama lowered gas prices by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and closing off all Federal Lands to oil exploration.

        Liked by 3 people


        January 17, 2015 at 10:02 am

      • Yes he went to Mr. Wright’s church. Mr Wright said that he never renounced Islam. I would choose a Mormon over Muslim. The birth certificate that was produced from Hawaii had the name of the hospital on it that had not been so named when he was born.???



        January 17, 2015 at 10:23 pm

      • You can’t even give him #2, I’m sure you’re aware as most of us are, that he’s homosexual? I’m absolutely NOT against homosexuality, but this makes #2 null and void as well. And BTW, I’m not a conservative either, just someone who tells it like it is.



        January 18, 2015 at 9:42 am

      • I personally knew Mitt Romney in France before he was married and had little college behind him, which was in the late 1960s. As to doing things like “real people” such as the Wal-Mart references, Romney shopped in places over there, that while maybe quaint and interesting, were primitive and spare compared to any Wal-Mart of today. He lived in apartments that were not up to American ghetto standards. He did live at the Mission Home at 3 Rue de Lota in Paris for a while, when he was serving in a capacity that required it, which was a very nice place. It had been the Russian embassy prior to WWII, but all of us spent at least a little time there. The French members also had a branch meeting place there and used it for the Paris Branch of the church. Romney was unaffected and unpretentious when I knew him. I doubt he changed with more age and wisdom, and from what I hear he became even more humble and service oriented. I won’t go point by point on the list of 10, and I seriously doubt he would be nominated again, but the personal attacks on Mitt Romney representing him as a spoiled rich kid are baseless and false.

        Liked by 1 person

        Roy House

        January 18, 2015 at 5:04 pm

        • It’s nice to hear about someone who’s actually known the man. That’s cool!
          Thank you for your insight 😀



          February 11, 2015 at 12:20 pm

      • Moron



        January 24, 2015 at 5:12 pm

        • I think it’s spelled Mormon… that’s what you meant right? Mitt is a Mormon?



          January 24, 2015 at 6:42 pm

      • The problem with Mormons is that in their mind only Mormons are good enough. The church has a culture that every leader past and present of their church is the best option for everything, they fail to see the good in others and if they could they would elect only Mormons for every office in America.



        January 30, 2015 at 4:08 pm

        • Don’t downplay yourself Rob. You’re as good as any Mormon, unless you’re bigoted, then you’re just not being a good person period. Be better than that.



          February 17, 2015 at 10:17 am

        • I’m a Mormon, and I support Obama over Romney.



          June 14, 2015 at 10:51 pm

        • You probably have meet Mormons like that… We are normal people…. We make mistakes…. I think maybe you should listen to a talk by Dieter F. Utchdorf one of the first presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-days Saints I quote him “If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God ‘which healeth the wounded soul,’ and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them.” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2013) Sorry to disappoint you. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-days Saints. I’m not perfect in fact you may find lots of flaws. And just so you know my boyfriend is not a member and he is the best man I know. He is kind, intelligent, compassionate, good looking, and I could go on. Expand your horizons so you don’t lump people together for the mistakes of others.



          March 10, 2016 at 11:52 am

    • You honestly could not be more right.
      Only mad, delusional, deranged, tax evading, racist, homophobic, bible bashing, red neck, mentally deficient Americans would vote Romney.
      Obama for life. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      Megan Fox

      November 1, 2012 at 5:09 pm

      • Another member of the kind, loving, compassionate left sharing their myopic view. Gutter Flower fits.

        Liked by 1 person


        November 1, 2012 at 6:37 pm

      • Wow. I’m none of those. Christian, work in a hospital, have many gay friends, did pretty well in school. Sorry to disappoint. #Mitt2016

        Liked by 1 person


        January 16, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      • Bahaha. I’m sorry. But forget Romney for now ok. I’m actually Mormon. But you can’t seriously love Obama. He is a snake that lies through his teeth, an illuminati puppet who is trying to destroy America. Look up the guy who created obamacare. He says from his own mouth it was not designed to help American people.

        Liked by 1 person

        Spencer smith

        January 17, 2015 at 12:18 pm

        • Uhm, “Obamacare” was modeled after ROMNEY’S healthcare plan in Massachusetts.



          June 14, 2015 at 10:50 pm

          • I was under the impression that Mitt’s healthcare was tailored specifically for Massachusetts because of the circumstances that the state was in, and not intended as a country-wide healthcare that Obama care became.



            March 12, 2016 at 7:05 am

      • You, honestly, couldn’t be more wrong. I am Mormon, have a sound peace of mind. I do pay my taxes every year, went to a school and met people of every different race and sexual orientation, and continue to be friends with them. Mormons believe in the bible, so why would we bash it? I don’t ride around town in my tractor told get the mail in my straw that and gaps in my teeth (or whatever you mean by being red neck), and having issues with mental health isnt relevant to this conversation because it doesn’t affect the decision making process. So I have a hard time understanding where you get your facts.



        January 17, 2015 at 8:30 pm

      • ill just make this short and to the point. If you voted for Obama and still support him then you are an enemy of my country.
        Traitors to the constitution!


        Chad Beagley

        January 17, 2015 at 8:31 pm

      • Megan fox


        Chad Beagley

        January 17, 2015 at 8:33 pm

      • Oops! You said Romney, when it appears you really meant Obama!!!



        January 18, 2015 at 12:41 am

      • What part of the “Path to Prosperity” didn’t you agree with? Just name one? Do you even know what that is? It’s the business plan Ryan put together for our nation, unlike the non existent one OB put together. So, I ask you again, what part did you disagree with? You say you didn’t read it? Yet you voted? Voted for what? What did you actually vote for OB on? What the media told you? Thought so. So now who is the mad, delusional, deranged, bible bashing?… what?… Mitt bible bashing? hmmm that’s a whole new debate. Do you know what bible bashing means? Ok, you would be better off studying for your GED than wasting time on the Internet.



        January 18, 2015 at 9:48 am

      • I am none of those things you said but I voted for Romney once and will again if he runs and I don’t see another candidate I like. Why do so many people have to throw race in there. I had no problem with the fact that Obama was half black. What I had a problem with was the more he spoke the more he proved he had no idea what he was talking about. IF he had proved his first term that he could do the job I possibly might have given him a chance to continue. I didn’t and don’t want him to continue dragging MY country into the toilet. He can’t even get his own wife to quit showing her disdain for this country in front of the cameras for Petes sake. One thing I can say in Obamas favor is he seems to be a great dad. The girls seem to be wonderful young ladies.



        January 19, 2015 at 12:35 am

    • Obama is an ugly, good for nothing scum bag who has screwed us all over multiple times. Welcome to a third world country because if he keeps going and that’s where we are going. To hell in a handbasket!

      Liked by 1 person


      January 16, 2015 at 4:02 pm

      • People like you always make generalized statements about how the current President is screwing everyone over, but you always fail in listing those items that have “Screwed” our country! Unemployment is down to under 6% and gas is under 2 bucks, but you can’t see that huh? So tell me how this has affected you personally? Are you eating 3rd world rice once a day? I’m pretty sure there are NO 3rd world people making stupid post from their laptop, especially from Handbasket Hell! Is your car broken down and you can’t find parts? Is your heat out or are there flys in your food? Did you lose your job and can’t find work? Do you still have running water? Are you sharing 1 bed with your whole family? Like the rest of your party, all you can do is complain about how YOUR man lost, and all your crying, whining, BS is doing is dividing your party! The worst part is, ALL the future candidates of your party are in the same boat! The Democrats won’t have to work that hard in the future to win the next election, we’re just going to let all you Republicans fight it out amongst yourself and kill your chances while you continue to divide your party! And I’m pretty sure if you continue your propaganda BS, you’re going to suffer 8 more years of whining & crying! You don’t even have the nuts to put your name on your anonymous post! What a crying, whining, petulant, Republican PUNK!

        Liked by 1 person

        Victor Adam

        January 16, 2015 at 10:11 pm

        • Victor, I encourage you to go and research “real unemployment”. It will be an eye opener for you. If you follow the numbers you’re being fed you’re severely uninformed. Read this for more details

          Gas is under two bucks thanks to fracking and drilling on private land. Your beloved president has done NOTHING to help energy prices. This is happening in spite of his policies.

          You’re litmus test for whether we are better off with Obama is comparing the USA to the Congo? Really?

          Are you so invested in your vote for Obama that you’re only recourse is to troll conservative blogs and call names? That in and of itself is quite telling Victor.

          Liked by 2 people


          January 17, 2015 at 2:04 pm

        • Why don’t you actually look at the true unemployment numbers. The only thing that gets put out by the media is the current weeks numbers which doesn’t include those who have given up looking for a job or those who no longer receive unemployment benefits. As for the price of gas, the reason it is below 2 dollars a gallon has nothing to do with his so called policies. It has to do with the shale rock fields that have been over producing and have caused a excess of crude oil. You want to give him credit for these things so do you also give him credit for the 18 trillion dollar deficit? Or do you blame that on every president before him? Why has there been more police officers killed in the line of duty during his time in office then any other president? Why is the radical Islamist, which he has stated he will stand with, killed more than at any time previously in the modern age? Why are race relations going backwards when since the late 70’s they were improving? If you are going to claim a few untrue good things about his time in office you also have to claim all of the wrong. And one last thing, why should the radical Islamist detained at Gitmo be released so they can go back to their countries so they can again plan and attack innocent individuals. If this is the type person who you think is good gor this country then please go to another country.



          January 18, 2015 at 8:54 am

        • Victor, jobs are being create in-spite of Obama, it the more conservative governors in Red states that are creating jobs NT, California are all losing jobs.


          Battle star Pegaus

          January 20, 2015 at 8:46 am

      • You need to change to channel, I have health insurance that I went with out for 4 years, my meager IRA has doubled, $1.84 for gas. I only make $1,100 a month because I am disabled ,but refuse to go on disability. Have many family members in Europe that report that the world loves Obama.He has healed this country and relations with others. He is not done, I don’t feel that he is going go sit back and buy into the lame duck. Roll. He will accomplish much more and history will prove that he is one of the best presidents ever. He was elected twice for a reason. Maybe not from your view point. How many millions has congress spent on Bengazi investigations? On appealing and shutting down gov. Is that productive. You Obama haters sound the same, name calling,but how has his presidency actually hurt you? Did your guns get taken away?

        Liked by 1 person


        January 17, 2015 at 8:03 am

        • My health insurance went WAY UP. Our take home pay went WAY DOWN.

          He won in 2012 by getting more than 100% of the vote in many counties in Ohio. Hmmmm…


          Yvonne Swinson

          January 18, 2015 at 8:19 am

        • You have health insurance because I and others like me pay for it. The government isn’t paying for anything. Congress would n’t have had to spend millions on Benghazi if his administration hadn’t ;ied about it. Wake up and actually see what is going on around you. Oh I am sorry, you can’t. You have been blinded by all the bullcrap that has been thrown at you.



          January 18, 2015 at 8:58 am

      • This article! What a complete load of propagandist horse ****! Mr. Clean is just abso’loot’ly perfect. Draft dodging, silver spoon elitist. Oh and he just happens to be one of those clean living mammon…er, I mean Mormons.
        You know, those poor deceived Joseph Smith worshipping cultists, who adhere to the contrived beliefs of a charlatan and false prophet, that make an abominable mockery of actual Christian faith while claiming to be the only true Christians.
        A tragic deception indeed.

        Liked by 1 person

        Winston Smith

        January 19, 2015 at 2:03 am

        • Yes, even bigots can comment. You sir are a tragic deception. I’m sorry you hate people simply because they believe something different from you… sounds kind of like those folks over in the Middle East.

          Liked by 1 person


          January 19, 2015 at 11:12 pm

        • Before you make a comment like that you need to read the bible, your comments make you looks like and idiot masks seriously think you are one!!!!!


          Rudy Avalos

          January 20, 2015 at 10:46 am

        • If you were to honestly read the Prophet Joseph’s writings for 15 to 30 minutes you would never come close to saying the things you have. He was a most remarkable prophet during the birth of American Freedom and now has millions of people who know he was a servant of God, for whom he gave his life, together with his brother, Hyrum. Scott Evans

          Liked by 1 person

          Scott C. Evans

          January 21, 2015 at 12:27 am

    • *laughs
      I stopped reading after that cause I knew if you couldn’t spell a simple word like that, you had zero credibility. You most likely voted for Obama with spelling like that.

      Liked by 1 person


      January 16, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    • Obama only made history because he’s of color: FIrst BLACK man to do this….First BLACK man to do that…I thought this was about equality? Shouldn’t it just be first HUMAN to do something? He’s an idiot!

      Liked by 2 people


      January 16, 2015 at 9:17 pm

      • Now here is my problem, Obama gets to CHOOSE his color–is he not as much white as he is black? Well, I guess without a birth certificate we can never really know, right? But, yes, he makes it all about his supposed color. I would love to see a good, honorable man of ANY race or color serve as president, but we have yet to achieve that through Obama.



        January 18, 2015 at 5:13 pm

    • Everything Romney said would happen if Obama was re-elected did. Time for change…. For real this time

      Liked by 2 people


      January 16, 2015 at 9:49 pm

    • Bro. Don’t look now, but your date left you 3 paragraphs ago.



      January 16, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    • Haha seriously? Obama wants socialism, he is liberal, he is Muslim, he lies (a lot), he hasn’t kept many promises, he released a fake birth certificate, Biden has talked openly about a “new world order” and Obama has too, I’m not saying they don’t already have some rules to follow cuz we are with the UN but how can you be a true American and an Obama supporter? Obama isn’t Christian because being Christian is following Christ not just by saying you’re following him. Why is Obama decreasing our military? Why has he openly mocked the bible? Why is he “now” for gay marriage? Agenda 21? Ever heard of it? Anyways I could go on all day. I hope you enjoy Obamas last year in the White House

      Liked by 2 people

      john stark

      January 16, 2015 at 11:07 pm

      • It’s hilarious you actually believe the lies Fox tells you. The only of those claims that is true is that he is liberal, which is a good thing. Jesus was a liberal and a socialist, not a pharisee. 😛

        “Obama isn’t Christian because being Christian is following Christ not just by saying you’re following him. Why is Obama decreasing our military?” Because Jesus totally said thou shalt send armies to wipe thy enemy off the face of the earth and show no forgiveness. 😛



        June 14, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    • ……Obama cannot run for President again. Mitt can.


      Oh Daddio

      January 16, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    • So, let me understand…. You claim that both men are very similar. Does this make them both likable or both unlikeable? (I’m just trying to understand why you disagree with the premise of the article.)

      Liked by 1 person


      January 17, 2015 at 7:52 am

    • You are full of crap. Obama acts like he is unstoppable and if other voted congessman dont agree with him he abuses his power and does it anyway! What do you think will happen when he opens our borders? I hope you are the first one that loses their job of course unless you are already on welfare!

      Why did Obama hide his birth certificate? The one he finally produced was fake.

      One more thing…Obama already served 2 terms and can’t run again anyway so why are you even bringing him up.

      All of our tax returns are private. Nobody’s business how much we make. He paid his dues like the rest of America until he earned his millions. ROMNEY WOULD BE THE MAN TO PULL AMERICA BACK TOGETHER but he won’t be nominated because of the ignorance of those of you that thought Obama was our savior.

      Liked by 1 person

      Beth Lawlor

      January 17, 2015 at 9:00 am

      • Just ask someone who lost their job from Romney’s Bain Capitol. I know some of them. He & his cohorts reaped big commissions when Bain took over and liquidated jobs and/or the company itself to make it more “efficient” What about Romney’s offshore Cayman Islands accounts. He pays no taxes on these. Finally, his so called religion was exposed for “baptizing” dead Jewish Holocaust victims. The mitster is a weak 21st century Nixon, who’s gated community life couldn’t buy the Presidency in 2012.



        January 27, 2015 at 12:14 pm

        • People lose jobs. My company was purchased by a bigger company and guess what? A lot of people lost their jobs. But if you need a boogie man to blame, go for it.

          Liked by 1 person


          February 17, 2015 at 10:18 am

        • Hey Flat, is Mitt the only person in the country with Cayman accounts? Could you check into that one for me. But fair warning, don’t get too upset when you see all the wealthy liberals doing the same thing, OK?



          February 17, 2015 at 10:19 am

    • 3. No scandals? Have you not been paying attention? Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the whole PPACA was based on a lie, IRS tampering of opposition candidates and their supporters. Check out for Obama’s skeletons.

      Liked by 2 people


      January 17, 2015 at 9:18 am

    • True, being real is always better than trying to look perfect just for a camera because no one is perfect and a normal human being learns from his mistakes. That’s probably why Obama won.



      January 17, 2015 at 9:49 am

    • You seriously just tried to make Obama look good?


      Spencer smith

      January 17, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    • Ha Ha, I just realized that first commenter was serious about Obama. Wow some people are delusional.



      January 17, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    • Now Michelle, get off the computer and attend to the many chores in the White House.


      Seriously,you've got a huge man crush on Obama

      January 17, 2015 at 3:56 pm

    • No scandals? He gave up his bar as did Michelle instead of going through a investigation for unethical behavior. How is that not a scandal?



      January 17, 2015 at 4:23 pm

    • Why don’t we admit it, this country is still racist. if BO were a white man we would be singing his praises, and if MR was a black man he would be called an Uppity N…..



      January 17, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    • If Obama grew up so poor how did he afford a private high school in Hawaii that only the wealthy attend? You may need to do some fact checking yourself. You may still have the wool pulled over your eyes, which should be impossible given the current state of the country under your great leader.



      January 17, 2015 at 6:26 pm

    • No one cares. This is about someone with his head out of his ass.



      January 17, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    • Obama won’t be running…



      January 18, 2015 at 12:08 am




      January 18, 2015 at 5:54 am

    • Sounds like the demonrat mantra: Rob Peter to pay Paul.



      January 18, 2015 at 8:08 am

    • Obama has scandal baggage from Chicago; everyone knows that. He has political-religious beliefs which is to say that when being religious is politically advantageous, he is. When was the last time he was seen in a church? Oh yeah, the campaign trail. And Obama might not have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he could have at least been born on American soil…..



      January 18, 2015 at 8:51 am

    • aaaaaaaa bull****


      Terence O'Brien

      January 18, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    • Romney certainly is a Mormon, or LDS as we prefer to be called, and he’s a devout, practicing one too. You don;t know a damn thing about the man you are trying to discredit, Pritty Brains. I think your handle is a complete misnomer. Research your person before you try to discredit him with such drivel.


      Heber Trunnell

      January 18, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    • Don’t forget that Obama went through the exclusive Punahou school when he was a boy living in Hawaii. Poor kids can’t go there. Tuition is around $20,000 a year. It was paid for by his grandparents.
      And what’s unusual about going through college on scholarships and loans? Don’t try to paint Obama as poor. Even as newlyweds he and his wife were both attorneys


      Joan Sinclair

      January 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    • Was this written my Ms. Obama. Notice I didn’t say the First Lady, because she is not a lady. I could find clothes that look better on her at K-Mart. Don’t know who she uses as a designer, but she needs to re-consider the situation. As far as Obama, oh yes, he thinks he is God and he struts like a peacock, but that doesn’t make his smart, good looking or any of the wonderful items you stated. What did he do to get to the title of President. Must have paid a lot of people, because he had NO background of business and does he really have a degree from Harvard????? No one will ever know, will they??? Don’t trust any President that has all his records sealed or locked up. Must be hiding something, huh? I’m just a good middle class American, but he hasn’t fooled me and most people my age.



      January 18, 2015 at 5:40 pm

    • After 6 years as president you still think he is good for our country ? The date you have to go to must be with a shrink.



      January 18, 2015 at 6:01 pm

    • We don’t know much about Obama’s skeletons because his past is pretty much all sealed. We do know, however, he (and Michelle) were disbarred to practice law in the State of Illinois. It takes something pretty serious to get disbarred. Check it out – if you’re not afraid of the truth that is.



      January 19, 2015 at 7:08 am

    • Obama has had his day, silly comparing the Contender with the Retiree.


      Sixer Saturn

      January 19, 2015 at 9:06 am

    • Well said sir!



      January 19, 2015 at 9:42 am

    • no scandals, his past is open? haha, made it himself? are you a ****ing moron???



      January 19, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    • Pretty one sided portrayal. The main reason to dislike Mitt is that he is a vulture capitalist who destroyed American companies so he could send American jobs to other countries all to make himself and a few of his cronies weathy. This is unpatriotic and certainly not a credential for a presidential candidate. He is a flip flopper, I.e. has no real values but will adopt any and all positions necessary to further his own interest. Thus he is dishonest and can’t be trusted. He’s also a boorish snob – 47%. Tell Mitt to get out of politics. He’s too flawed. and He obviously does not represent any real people – corporations and the 1% but not real people. And Corporations are not people no matter what Mitt or the Supreme Court says. They are a legal entity but not a person. Anyone who says they are is an idiot.

      Liked by 1 person

      Sandra Sexton

      January 19, 2015 at 3:42 pm

      • I think we get it. You don’t like Romney. No biggie. I personally prefer other potential candidates. But if Romney wins the nomination he’s getting my vote. By the way, how do corporations come into being? How do they survive? How do they function? Seems to me it’s people, but I could be wrong…

        Liked by 1 person


        January 19, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    • Someone likes Schmoyoho! 😉


      Nijellus of the Underworld

      January 19, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    • Well looks like we are a genius!!! It remember when he was running for president he promised that he was going to reduce the national death by 50% in the first 2 years of his mandate. In exchange he double it, we have 100 million people unemployed and 50 million on wellfare. And not only that we the USA are the laughing stuff around the world. Well thanks Mr. Obama!!! You as you promised change the world.


      Rudy Avalos

      January 20, 2015 at 10:31 am

    • You can always tell a salesman because they won’t stop talking. Stop trying to distract from substance with fluff. This isn’t about Obama. Obama gets tolerance for deficiency of qualifications for being “articulate” and crap.


      J.B. Mordecai (@Cobra_Cai)

      January 20, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    • If you support Romney, remember he can use all the good , honest, factual exposure he can get. If you don’t like him, suggest a better person to do the job along with all the great things about them. The American people deserve a choice of good people who are willing to stick their neck out and do the job honestly and professionally with American’s future and it’s people’s lives as a priority and not their own agenda and their friend’s pockets to fill. Not to mention our nation’s international interests and National defence which has taken a serious hit over the last two decades. Until the majority of the American citizens take a serious roll in the future of this nation, it is going to continue to slide into decline and ruin. It takes a honest ,informed , and dedicated citizenry to clean up a government that is on a collision coarse with oblivion . Take a hard look at all the world powers from past history and then look at what is happening in America. Draw on your own examples. It doesn’t really matter what your political feelings or lifestyle is, If America fails to endure, everyone in this nation, citizen or not, they will lose their freedom to determine their own destiny as well as that of their children. Freedom once lost is very expensive to recover.


      Warren Miller

      January 20, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    • I’m sorry I only read until the part that you had a date and needed to wrap this up, and then scrolled down to see this all of this written by you.

      4.Obama has superb oratory skills and even has written some of his speeches… he has a great command of his Presence and doesn’t come off as a rusty robot like Romney does.

      5. Obama is also extremely intelligent and Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, which, according to the Harvard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of the school’s students. He was also elected as the first black President of the Law Review, an honor that the school says is given to a student seen to have great potential for the legal field. (Wiki) So Obama beat Romney in the intelligent dept with his Magna vs Romney’s Cum Laud and Romney never made history of anything whereas Obama has twice.

      6. Romney has Obama beat here if you consider not experimenting with life, culture, society, and your own boundaries as something to be proud of. I don’t. Obama has experience in areas of growth and evolvement and understanding of the main population that Romney doesn’t have and never will. Though he does smoke cigarettes which isn’t cool, he has been struggling to stop. So have I for that matter.

      7. He, too, represents an America that embraces a belief in God, goes to Church, doesn’t screw around, worked hard, and became a brilliant SUCCESS! Brilliant! And he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth to get him started, either.

      8. He has two gorgeous daughters who are extremely intelligent like their father and neither of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a mom who has high ethics, strong morals and a great sense of fun!

      9. Obama is not a Mormon but he has a strong belief in the freedom of religion.

      10. And last but not least…..people say because Romney was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up in an extremely wealthy family, he can’t relate to ordinary Americans. And I agree. Romney never knew what it was like to have to rob Peter to pay Paul or to wonder if he could afford to go to college and make something of himself. Daddy paid for his college. Romney never knew what it was like to have to shop in Walmart because he couldn’t afford to shop at Neiman Marcus or whatever high end shops the extremely wealthy shop. He never knew what it was like to have eat boxed mac a roni and cheese, or ramen noodles or tubed hamburger or canned corn because he couldn’t afford the gormet, organic foods… Romney never knew what it was it like to choose whether to pay the electric bill or buy food for his family. No. Romney has no idea what it is like to be an ordinary American. Sure he was a success and that’s the American dream, but his success wasn’t about building up his community nor did he choose a career that the community could benefit from like a doctor, or community organizer or a sociologist or plumber or a garbage man… Romney’s career choice was about tearing down the community and pocketing the profits.

      Obama, on the other hand, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth… he knew what it was like to rob Peter to pay Paul… He knew what it was like to desire something and not be able to have it. Obama paid for his college through scholarships and student loans that he was still paying on when he published his books. His writing and publishing eventually brought him millions and made him a wild success. So yes, he understands the ordinary American because he’s been there and he also understands the desire to own the American Dream because he succeeded by his own hand. Obama went from nothing to the President of the United States. I’d say he has Romney beat there, too.

      I take it she canceled?



      January 21, 2015 at 8:01 am

    • BHO does know how to rob peter to pay Paul your right but he is using “US” and our our Children’s future by selling “US” down the road He has Robed “US” to the Conservative tune of 10 Trillion dollars in 6 years “And thats American” Wake up America



      January 22, 2015 at 7:18 am

    • You said that Romney doesn’t know what it is like to have to rob Peter to pay Paul – not quite true. He may not have lived it, but his service positions in the LDS church gave him a more intimate understanding of people who live in that type of a situation than most politicians combined.



      January 22, 2015 at 11:13 am

    • Tl;dr. Lib shill.



      January 23, 2015 at 8:06 am

    • No skeletons in Barry Hussein’s closet?Google Boy’s Town in Chicago and watch the fun begin. There you will wade through gay bath houses, secret trysts and oh yeah a couple of suspicious homosexual deaths with links to reverand Wright’s congregation and Barry. The deaths interestingly happened right before our skeletons in the closet free commander in Chief began his political rise.



      January 23, 2015 at 10:33 am

    • if you are correct about it applying to Obama too then you should have no reason not to vote for Mitt Romney either. Unless you just don’t look at the issues he stands for and vote party line



      January 25, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    • I couldn’t read past #2, cause Mrs. Obama is anything but a “lovely, vibrant woman”. Torturing poor children into eating her crap food, and then penalizing them when they decide to bring something from home.
      Way to weasel your way into the homes of thousands of American’s *slow claps*



      February 11, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    • Except that this is not in comparison to Obama, it’s a top ten reasons to hate Mitt Romney. That is what you made it out to be. The only reference to other candidates was in number 4 where the author referenced the other people. Also your sop story and base for 10 is a farse. The difference between you and Romney is work. The only reason he is wealthy is work, hard work and smart money management. What a better leader for America that knows how to manage money and not just spend it. Spare me the sympathy card for Obummer, he still acts like a poor man that makes poor decisions.



      February 24, 2015 at 9:27 am

    • That stuff is great, but kinda sounds like a lie.



      March 17, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    • I read Obama’s Dreams of My Father up until the point where he brags about doing “smack” and “blow” in college. I don’t know how that ever became a selling point in a statesman or a leader.



      March 9, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    • Why the comparison ? And competition between the two? The article was to show the positives of Mitt and not to disrespect Obama, who has admirable qualities, (even though I don’t care for many of his policy’s)

      Why did you turn so negative ?



      March 10, 2016 at 9:28 pm

    • I know this is old, but you’re an idiot. It’s not a crime to be born into a wealthy family. Even so you cant assume that Romney hasnt had mac n cheese or done his own laundry. In fact as a Mormon, i bet Romney has experienced more hard ‘poor people work’ than you have. Mormons do a ton of hard work almost every week, for free! It’s called service. It’s a way of life for most Mormons, especially ones in leadership positions like Romney has been for years at a time. I bet he has not only washed his own clothes by hand, but also someone elses (have you done that? prolly havent even done your own, and yet here you are a judging him) He also went on a mission to another country for two whole years of his young life, where he had to live on a very limited budget (out of money he had saved up beforehand) and almost no personal items (besides clothes, etc.) as he taught and served other people for free! Im sure he had a ton of mac n cheese during this time. But youre prolly right about no Walmart there though. Most likely didnt even have access to that during that time. i guess he is a horrible person and should never be president.



      March 12, 2016 at 5:09 pm

    • Sure, but he has been manipulated to attack other countries, by the military machine. Still doesn’t close Guantanamo, something he promised to do in his first 100 days. Didn’t tell the Truth about the Irak war, Afghanistan war, and the 9/11 fraud . He kept supporting the overthrown of the Syrian government and the 9/11 Hawk, the biggest LIE ever. He had some good things done, but he has been the President that has deported the most people without given them the right to a lawyer. Being a law graduated from the Harvard University. Mitt Romney, lost because in his last debate said: ‘ He was going to veto the “Dream Act” , remember in the polls he was winning at that moment. A law that was sponsored by Senator Hatch, a Republican.



      March 13, 2016 at 10:57 am

  2. Wow, you deleted my response…


    Pritty Brains

    August 22, 2012 at 2:01 am

    • Nothing has been deleted by me. All of your comments have been approved. At least all that I have seen.



      August 22, 2012 at 10:33 am

    • Pretty is spelled like this.



      January 19, 2015 at 2:01 pm

  3. [quote]So help me understand why someone would seal their college records when all it shows is GPA? I almost feel bad replying to this one because you really don’t look very smart in your reply. Just ask yourself why? Why seal them and spend millions of dollars to keep them sealed and hidden? [/quote]

    So then you agree with me. Your argument is bullsh*t. So why are you making it? Oh that’s right: A) your party doesn’t have anything legitimate to say and B) your party is too stupid to know the difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    Marq Goldberg

    August 25, 2012 at 12:11 am

    • Brilliant rebuttal! Of course you took that quote completely out of context since you failed to include the quote from the person I was responding to who suggested Obama’s college records would only show GPA. Contextual reasoning seems to be difficult for you folks on the far left to grasp. Or are you just a member of the media? If there wasn’t something embarrassing to the President in his college records why won’t he let anyone see them? Even if it is “just” GPA, were his grades less than what they would need to be to be allowed to enter Harvard? Would it lead people to think he got into an Ivy League school on less than his own merits? But don’t you worry yourself about such things. Head back out to pasture and feed with the other Democratic sheep. Barack Obama is great, because he says so!

      Liked by 1 person


      August 29, 2012 at 9:04 am

      • What difference does it make? He’s been President for 6 years with 2 more to go, and all you care about is his school records? You mean you need more BS to continue to call him names? And he not just great because he said so, a majority of the country also believes he’s smart! Remember he didn’t buy the election, in fact Mitt proved you can’t buy an election . . . twice, the people VOTED him in! , Your party is in real trouble if this is all you can come up with! What the definition of insanity, do the same thing hoping for a different result! HA!

        Liked by 1 person

        Victor Adam

        January 16, 2015 at 10:19 pm

        • Oh it’s you again…

          If I was your doctor but refused to show you my credentials would you keep me as your doctor? There were many questions regarding the validity of his education, his college transcripts would have put all those questions to bed, but he locked them up and said no. I find it odd that you aren’t even the least bit curious as to why. Especially regarding someone who wants to lead the country.

          Liked by 1 person


          January 17, 2015 at 2:12 pm

          • FWIW-Your doctor would likely refuse to share their transcripts. Even for licensure a diploma is sufficient.

            In my opinion, I have a hard time empathizing with people who hold such disdain for Obama or Romney.



            January 19, 2015 at 11:23 pm

          • Disagreement doesn’t equate disdain. If I was a drinking man I’m sure I’d enjoy having a beer with Mr. Obama and shooting some hoops or playing 18. I just happen to think he has no leadership qualities at all and his policies are not in line with the constitution of the republic.



            January 19, 2015 at 11:40 pm

  4. It is ironic that someone would mention President Obama’s grades. Not only did he graduate in the top 10% (magna cum laude) which is a known FACT!!!, he received offers from some of the top law firms in the country (which you could not receive if you did not have those stellar grades). He also could have done a Supreme Court clerkship–reserved for only the best of the best. He chose to do public service. As a Harvard Law School graduate myself,I now understand why Harvard Law School has abandoned a grading system (it is pass/fail now) so that companies, perspective employers, people, and the public don’t get bogged down with debates such as this—….clearly President Obama is very intelligent and has a demonstrated history of success in all phases of his life!!! By the way, I think that Central Casting Comment (first comment) says it all…..and really speaks to heart of this poster….I guess you are saying that women and minorities need not apply (after all we would not fit Central Castings profile of the perfect commander-in-Chief)…. Finally, Martin Luther King was a black Southern minister and gave some of the most powerful, eloquent and articulate speeches that have ever been given by ANYONE!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    Kimberly Wilson

    September 8, 2012 at 5:15 pm

    • I’m not disagreeing with your assertions. I’m simply wondering why a sitting president with such a stellar record, as you indicate, would hide it from public view. Is that not an honest, worthy, and fair question to ask?

      Liked by 1 person


      September 10, 2012 at 10:45 am

      • Come on DCL, what difference does it make? If he was able to obtain all of the stellar records & great jobs based on his grades, isn’t that proof enough! You can’t but that s*@t right?

        Liked by 1 person

        Victor Adam

        January 16, 2015 at 10:22 pm

        • You sound just like Hillary. I’m sure she has your vote without any effort required to win it. Baaaaaaaaaa

          Liked by 1 person


          January 17, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    • President Obamas first act as President on his first full day (January 21, 2009) was to sign EO 13489-Presidential records. This EO seals now and forever (there is the provision for former Presidents which he will thankfully be some day)any record he deems to include – his medical records, his school records, his birth records,his passport records, etc.
      He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records. He will not even release his Columbia College thesis.
      All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii.

      So when you ask “what is your problem”, I would say to you, why is none of this a concern to you?

      It’s funny that the Liberals are so concerned with what Mitt Romney has done with his money and insist on him providing all his tax records, yet there is no concern that as Obamas first act as President he immediately sealed all of his records. But he is transparent. LOL

      We all know rich people function on a completely different level when it comes to taxes and tax shelters. I am much less concerned with what Romney does with his millions, and much more concerned with what President Obama is doing with our hundreds of billions!!

      Liked by 3 people


      September 11, 2012 at 1:20 pm

      • Tell me how the current President, who won’t show his school records is the same as a rich man not disclosing all of his taxes and hiding money out of the country? Trust me when I tell you I wouldn’t trust anyone who plays with his taxes like that! And in the end of your letter, you went from Obama’s school records to billions in taxes, yet Mitt has shown he is hiding money, and that’s not a RED flag! Maybe you should look into a plexiglass belly button, so you can see the world with your head in your butt! What the definition of Insanity . . . doing the same thing hoping for a different result! I would look at a little more problem solving and a little less complaining, or you just my be complaining for another 8 years! I can only imagine how bad Hillary might piss you off!

        Liked by 1 person

        Victor Adam

        January 16, 2015 at 10:31 pm

        • You sure spend a lot of time trolling Mitt Romney posts.



          January 17, 2015 at 2:18 pm

        • Uh, Victor… do you know anything about large amounts of money? Do you know anything about taxes beyond an ez form or anything about tax laws? Do you know how taxes affect individuals contrasted to entities? I’m going to guess no based on your rebuttals.

          Simply put, the reason you can hire tax specialists is because all of that, after a certain point, is as complicated today as the law is… which is why one can hire lawyers with regard to matters of the law.

          I can say something to your earlier statement: if Romney was doing anything illegal with his taxes, wouldn’t he be in jail by now? Isn’t that proof enough?



          January 17, 2015 at 9:19 pm

      • I found this thread amusing at best, but this last comment, seeing that it specifically pointed to an Executive Order, in need of some research.

        If you read EO 13489, it does seal presidential records. This is pretty standard and if you follow the link at the bottom of the EO it will take you to the EO from George W. Bush that does the same but with longer times to review requests.

        Presidential records are specifically records pertaining to the president’s term. Personal Records would be what you are suggesting he sealed on January 21, 2009. If you read the NARA’s definition of the two you will see the EO has nothing to do with the latter.

        Liked by 1 person


        January 17, 2015 at 6:50 am

      • Why do we need his college records? I am not saying there is not information there about a college student, I am asking why it matters? What is it that people are hoping will be in his records? And tell me every president that has released their college records prior to President Obama? I mean those that released something that the media did not already have.



        January 17, 2015 at 12:20 pm

    • LOL.

      Claims to have graduated from Harvard.

      Doesn’t know how supreme court clerks are selected.



      January 17, 2015 at 8:49 am

      • How many Americans know how supreme court clerks are selected. This may be one of the most inane posts to date. Good for you though…



        January 17, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    • Please, tell me why he has them sealed then. I’m neither for mitt or Obama, but I surely know that if someone purposefully seals their records, they have somthing to hide about them. Anything you say otherwise on this matter would just be preposterous.

      Liked by 1 person

      Nathaniel Evans

      January 17, 2015 at 9:23 am

  5. Reblogged this on From fat 2 skinny in 1 year and commented:
    Haha valid points



    January 16, 2015 at 6:35 pm

  6. Why was society better 20 years ago than today? Because people cared more about their country than their freaking party!!! It feels like republicans and democrats wish they could either separate or have another civil war so they could dominate the other side. We are AMERICANS, not republicans, or democrats, or libertarians or whatever. Let go of your pride and start caring for the welfare of all those around you and not just your freaking self. I am so sad to see how selfish society has become. what happened to “It’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” We say we embrace it, but those are cheap words now days. How hypocritical we have become. I love what America stood for, and that the people stood for America. What do you stand for today? I am not so sure if America still represents what our founding fathers proclaimed it to.

    Liked by 1 person


    January 16, 2015 at 9:07 pm

  7. Why are we all comparing Obama to Romney? Obama is done after this year. Let’s compare Romney to other potential 2016 candidates. Also, let’s keep it in mind that Romney hasn’t announced his candidacy and may not run again. He probably shouldn’t. Even though he may have the potential to be a great president, he will inevitably lose. America has decided how they feel about him, some know the actual facts and still hate him but most just hate him on principe while remaining completely uneducated about real issues.



    January 16, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    • This article was written in 2012. Hence the comparisons between Romney and Obama.



      January 17, 2015 at 2:19 pm

  8. My problem with Mitt is his hypocrisy on Vietnam. He ducks the draft, does his Mission while living in luxury housing in France, all while advocating for the war. He’s a Chickenhawk of the highest degree. Remember when asked about his sons lack of service on the campaign trail? He said they are serving the country by helping to elect me.


    Scott Brodie

    January 17, 2015 at 7:05 am

    • You’ve been reading a little to much Media Matters. But thanks for playing.



      January 17, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    • You really don’t know what Mormon missionaries do, or live like. It’s not luxury buy any stretch. You may want to actually ask someone that’s been there.



      January 17, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    • luxury housing? Really it is clear you don’t have a clue what happens when they are on a mission. Let me enlighten you. There is a set amount per month that a young man receives. The church is responsible for the housing and I can guarantee you they wont pay for luxury housing. One again you are listening to what the idiots that are at news station like msnbc want to say. How about you actually research both sides instead of just what appeals to you.



      January 18, 2015 at 9:08 am

  9. Top ten actual facts aboutRomney
    1) he uses Summer as a verb
    2) has binders full of women
    3) bets 10 thousand dollars as if it is pocket change
    4) his dad was a very weathly governor
    5) considers Ann Romney the average American women’s struggles
    6) Mormon or Catholic he is no Jack Kennedy
    7) believes corporations are people
    8) made money by putting the average American worker on the unemployment line
    9) total flip flop on Romney, oh I mean Obama care
    10) he has changed his stance on all social issues from when he was govenor to when he was running for president

    Liked by 2 people


    January 17, 2015 at 8:41 am

    • You have been reading the book of fiction from the lib. collection on how to destroy the other guy with flat out lies..


      Earle Fail

      January 17, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    • Sorry. I thought at first that you were writing about Romney. I’m not sure who that top 10 refers to.

      Liked by 1 person


      January 18, 2015 at 10:22 pm

    • What an idiot. I’ll dispute just one for the sake of space. Yeah he’s no Jack Kennedy……not a douche bag who cheats on his wife. I guess that’s a democrat value though.



      January 23, 2015 at 10:42 am

  10. By their fruits ye shall know them.


    Jean hamlin

    January 17, 2015 at 8:42 am

  11. i could care less about Obama’s GPA. I want to see the records unsealed to see if he was enrolled as an exchange student. Why does he use a social security number registered to someone else? Why was the person that produced his birth certificate whose authenticity is questionable the only person that did not survive a plane crash?

    Liked by 1 person


    January 17, 2015 at 8:47 am

  12. Looks like this story is making the rounds again now that Romney is considering yet a third attempt at the White House. While I don’t hate Romney, I certainly will never vote for him. Yes, he’s probably one of the most decent human beings you will ever meet. But I don’t like his politics. His philosophy seems to be: Hey, I’m an accomplished businessman, I can do big government better than the Democrats. Vote for me and the state will take care of you smarter and more efficiently.

    For those of use who know that government is a necessary evil and not a benevolent mother, we recognize that Romney’s political philosophy is not good for the individual, not good for liberty, and not good for the prosperity of the nation.

    Liked by 1 person

    FR Gough

    January 17, 2015 at 8:53 am

    • While Mitt is not my first choice, if he runs he will get my vote.



      January 17, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    • This country wasn’t based on Individuality…



      January 17, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    • His philosophy is less government. His philosophy is if you don’t have money, don’t spend it, or you’ll go bankrupt like businesses do. His philosophy is not to have the state take care of you, but to get out of the way so you can take care of yourself. The state can not take care of everyone. Once they run out of the “drive to work” of the American people because they are no longer rewarded for their hard work any more, there will be no one to pay the high taxes required to pay for universal healthcare, welfare, government assistance, etc. Not that there’s enough money to pay for that right now, because we just borrow it.

      Overall, I want someone in the government who knows how to unify diverse individuals in a common cause. I want someone who will not spend what we can never pay back, and spend less than we bring in. I want someone with experience doing this with their own family, organizations, and possibly states. I see Mr. Romney as one person who can do this. I would prefer that we as a country do everything we can to promote self-reliance, and encourage less reliance on the country/government.



      January 18, 2015 at 9:00 pm

    • Really because why would you want someone running the country who has successfully run businesses, taken over a failing Olympics and turned it around and made it a very successful operation then stepped in to turn around other failing ventures. Who wants that YUK. Don’t hate success embrace success you might learn something.

      Take responsibility for your actions don’t blame the other guy. When he took over the Olympics he didn’t say well these other guys left me this mess. He said this is what we have to work with lets see what needs to be done and do it and did. You never heard the whining well that’s what we were left with. He took it and ran it all the way to the finish line.

      I really don’t think you will hear well Obama did this and didn’t do that he will say here is what we have lets make it work if he is not given the chance we will never know. Hell he may not even run but one thing I know for sure is Obama wont run again no matter how much you love or hate him.

      I don’t vote just the party or the race or the gender I vote my mind because I have one I’m not stupid. I will vote who I honestly think will do the job. If you vote by party, race or gender go look in the mirror and you will see what a FOOL looks like.



      January 19, 2015 at 2:33 pm

  13. Hey who used my name? Not thst I disagree.



    January 17, 2015 at 9:04 am

  14. Vote for mitt!

    Liked by 1 person

    colene wells

    January 17, 2015 at 9:21 am

  15. I am of the belief that a Person who conducts his personal and family life in an honorable way is a person to be trusted with public positions and power. To say that a person’s personal life has nothing to do with their public life is a huge lie.
    That is why I will seriously consider any candidate who is a good parent and spouse, who has made an honest living, whether that be millions or just a decent living.

    Liked by 2 people

    Patrick Lemon

    January 17, 2015 at 9:48 am

  16. To all the people defending Obama:
    Regardless of whatever education or accomishments you might think this man has done, do you not realize what he has done since he’s been elected? He has ruined this country, he has done a piss poor job with all these events that have taken place over seas. You think he’s a classy man. Tell me why he didn’t show up for the people who were killed in Paris, and that wouldn’t be the only time he’s neglected to show respect to other countries. In the state he’s put our country in we need as many allies as we can get and I assure you he is burning a lot of bridges. I just can’t believe people can still be so oblivious to the horrible things happening in our country because this man can’t figure out what the hell he’s doing. Watch a little bit of news and you might see what’s going on, everyone is so worried about his past and Romney’s past, what does it even matter at this point. We need to focus on the future of this country and I think a business man like Romney himself would do a fine job of getting this country back on its feet to functioning society.

    Liked by 2 people


    January 17, 2015 at 10:40 am

    • Romney is not a Business man. He has never run one, rather he has pillaged
      and destroyed many, none of which he owned.



      January 17, 2015 at 4:50 pm

      • Did you actually look up the word pillage before using it that sentence? Just curious.



        January 19, 2015 at 11:36 pm

    • Actually I have to disagree with you. He knows exactly what he is doing to this country. Why is there no representation in Paris but there is in Ferguson Missouri? Why does he call the first black man to come out as gay in pro basketball but he didn’t call the first white man to come out in pro football? Lets be honest here, he is the second biggest racist in this country. I would say the first biggest but his wife holds that spot.



      January 18, 2015 at 9:13 am

    • Thank you!!



      January 18, 2015 at 8:51 pm

  17. Reblogged this on The Conservative New Ager.

    Liked by 1 person


    January 17, 2015 at 11:40 am

  18. Love this. So true!



    January 17, 2015 at 11:49 am

  19. Thought you’d enjoy/appreciate this.



    January 17, 2015 at 12:30 pm

  20. My kind of a president!


    Dixie Taylor

    January 17, 2015 at 3:07 pm

  21. Show me the college transcripts Mr. President!



    January 17, 2015 at 3:21 pm

  22. I’ve been a Mormon for 30 years, but have never been taught fiscal conservatism at church. That’s a cultural norm, not doctrine.

    By the way, I like Romney and Obama. Shocking.



    January 17, 2015 at 4:08 pm

  23. I forgot that Mitt came from nothing. He pulled himself up from his boot straps, rose from the dirt, and paid for Harvard on his own. Oh wait, his dad was the CEO of General Motors? Mitt grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, but according to this he became a success all on his own. Don’t forget that he has made all the money that he had made on his own by starting a company that buys struggling companies shuts down their American factories and ships operations overseas. It’s basic economics. Buy a struggling company for cheap, and make it profitable by firing anyone who mashes enough money to support themselves. From there you just have to pay your new employees slave wages, and you get to keep the difference. You just can’t think too much about the lives you are destroying in the process. Like John Lennon said, “If you want to be like the folks on the hill first you must learn to smile as you kill.

    Liked by 1 person


    January 17, 2015 at 4:54 pm

  24. GO, MITT, GO!



    January 17, 2015 at 9:20 pm

  25. Obama was voted into office because of the rabid notion of voters having a hand in a historical event….helping to elect the first black man as POTUS. How many times did i see news stories interviewing ‘voters’ who admitted proudly that they had never voted before, but were voting now because they had a black presidential candidate? He was re-elected through the lies of the liberal media and their ability to get their sheep to follow along. Despite the mess he’d made of the country in his first four years.
    There’s nothing transparent about this president. He’ll go down as one of the most conniving, dishonest, shady men to ever sit in the Oval Office. #AnyoneButHillary



    January 17, 2015 at 10:55 pm

  26. Obama is a man of the partisan left. His mentors were Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright, so racial resentment is also a big factor. He spent his formative years in Hawaii with Davis as his mentor, then he went to college and law school on two of the most left-wing campuses (Columbia and Harvard) and in two of the most left-wing metro areas (New York and Boston) in America, then he spent 20 years in Wright’s church, soaking up the hatred.

    He married a woman who thinks the same way but she has been more vocal about her racial resentment and her loathing for this country.

    Like everyone else on the extreme left, and everyone else who marinated for 30 years in African-American racial resentment, Obama hates the military, hates the intelligence community, and hates the police, even though he loves the enormous power they give to our government. Everybody in top level leadership in the Democratic Party shares that hatred and that love.

    Consider how much attention they’ve paid to the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, and to the case of Henry Louis Gates, the black Harvard professor who was locked out of his house, then briefly detained for breaking into it because he didn’t have any ID. Consider that they didn’t send anybody to march in the streets in solidarity with the people of France after the Charlie Hebdo murders. Even though Eric Holder was in Paris at the time. Benjamin Netanyahu was there, marching in the street with 15 other world leaders, but nobody from the Democratic Party of the United States.

    Consider how little attention they’ve paid to the deaths of so many, many police officers at the hands of black men, and to the death of General Harold Greene in Afghanistan, the first American general or admiral killed by enemy fire since 1970 in Vietnam. Flags were flown at half staff across the nation after the death of Nelson Mandela, but not for General Greene.

    Their actions speak a thousand times louder than their words.


    Josh Meyer

    January 18, 2015 at 12:09 am

  27. Watch a little of the news? Fox? Rupert has you….I can tell….check your facts with an independent source
    And post it then.



    January 18, 2015 at 12:43 am

    • Care to recommend that independent source? Happy to view it. Or are you just a drive-by drivelest.



      January 19, 2015 at 11:35 pm

  28. When Romney was getting his vompany started, he was asked by his church to act as unpaid pastor or “bishop” to the congregation he belonged to. He devoted 30 hrs a week, unpsid, to serving the members of his congregation, providing financial aid to the unemployed, and leading teams of members to renovate tge homes of disabled members, visiting members in their homes. After fivenyears, he was asked to srrve as president over several congregations, including one that had many Haitian immigrants, and another made of Cambodian refugees. His being able to speak French was very useful when meeting with those members of his church.

    He secretly paid for sll the milk used by residents of the Boston shelter for homeless veterans. When his Dad passed away, Romney donated the entire inheritance to the business college at Brigham Young University. When the teenage daughter of one of his partners went misding in New York City, he shut down the company and took all the employees to NYC to help search for her, posting a reward and hitting the streets with posters until they found her and got her to a hospital in time to save her life from a drug overdose.

    The Romneys raised their five sons by themselves, not with nannie or cooks. They went on vacation in a station wagon, not a private jet or a yacht.


  29. I wonder how many people don’t realize this is satire…..



    January 18, 2015 at 3:35 am

    • Actually it’s not… Satire tries to arouse the reader’s disapproval of an object — a vice, an abuse, a faulty belief — by holding it up to ridicule. This piece is doing just the opposite. Although you’re post might be considered satirical…



      January 19, 2015 at 11:33 pm

  30. This is ridiculous.

    First, Romney will NEVER win the presidency. He believes in “grace” that is falsely defined as “after all that you can do.” This insane belief yields him having no grace in his life. (See 2012 election).

    Second, he has been a liberal. He was formerly pro gay marriage, pro government run healthcare and pro abortion. He is truly worthy of conservative mistrust and disdain.

    He will never win!

    Let us Republicans find a quality candidate!



    January 18, 2015 at 6:01 am

    • Seems they said that about another Republican who ran twice and lost twice. His name was Ronald Reagan and on the third try he became one of our greatest presidents. Just something to think about. Not saying Romney is Reagan incarnate, but to say he can’t win is a bit narrow minded.



      January 19, 2015 at 11:24 pm

  31. In reality, our president is not the problem. The people are the problem. Human life is filled with universal truths, and there’s to many people that have forgotten what those are. We’re going to pay for it. This government was created for a moral society, and we are not that any more. You want things to change? look in the mirror first. stop lying, stop cheating, stop being selfish. Stop voting people in that have no positive moral direction. We are at a point where people can’t even tell you what is moral and what is not. That’s what the danger is here. I think you can safely disregard any individual who does not guide themselves with a strict desire for personal righteous honesty. Those who chose to do what is universally right to the best of there ability are what we all should be aiming for.

    I’m just a poor art student, whose bad at spelling and grammar. I have allot of hope that people care about one another. I hope that they will have the ability to look beyond the policy and see what it does to the people. then face that with honesty.


    The sculptor

    January 18, 2015 at 7:11 am

  32. Drop dead handsome? According to who??? LMBO. Apparently the people falling for this load of crap aren’t very intelligent…



    January 18, 2015 at 8:01 am

    • Well thank you for stopping by and filling our intelligence bucket.



      January 19, 2015 at 11:22 pm

  33. Oh please. As a Massachusetts resident, I can tell you Mitt is not as pure as the new driven snow. The last year he served as governor he was out of the state more than in, taking a Ma. State police detail with him which cost quite a bit of money to us taxpayers. Then there were all the computer hard drives taken or wiped clean when his term was over. Mitt looks and acts like a Flim Flam Man.



    January 18, 2015 at 8:59 am

    • I don’t think anyone is pure…all have faults and weakness. I like to view a man as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. suggested, by the content of his character. Actions over a period of time reveal character. Mitt Romney is of high character, though far from perfect.



      January 19, 2015 at 11:21 pm

  34. It’s a shame that the American people don’t recognize A strong, honest, family man, businessman, very successful businessman. We need a good businessman in as president to help clean up the financial disaster we are in. Mitt would be the best thing that ever happened to the United States of America. It’s too bad that the American public choose to vote for liars, cheats, Just generally untrustworthy people. I will vote for Mitt in a heartbeat if he runs again for president. I honestly don’t believe he would win the election, he has my vote.


    Cindy Jakel

    January 18, 2015 at 2:21 pm

  35. Our son was serving a Mission call in the Boston area for two years. Just before Christmas on one of those years, and while he was handing out food and warm garments to the homeless in a South Boston mall, someone stole my son’s overcoat. Without telling me or asking for compensation, Romney went out and bought Matt a new overcoat. We didn’t even know about it until visiting some weeks later. When quizzed about the incident, he said, “That’s just the kind of person Mitt Romney is. When something needs doing, he just goes and does it! Doesn’t ask for glory, compensation, or recognition….just gets it done!”


    John Heimburger

    January 18, 2015 at 5:57 pm

  36. A real American SOME ONE WHO LOVES HIS COUNTRY amen

    Liked by 1 person

    William Green

    January 18, 2015 at 6:37 pm



    William Green

    January 18, 2015 at 6:38 pm

  38. And runners-up, he knows how to balance a budget, bring a team together without spreading blame and speak well of those who disgrace his name. This is not becoming of a present-day politician.



    January 18, 2015 at 8:49 pm

  39. 3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet.

    Now that’s a lie. He’s guilty of tax evasion and he has been suspiciously linked to known crooks. There was a bribery scandal involving the 2002 Winter Olympics. It was his friends that were accused. During 2012 campaign, one of his staffers lied about his involvement in the Countrywide Insurance scam. Romney was going to appoint this guy as treasury secretary. There are a lot more skeletons in the Romney closet. The Mormon religions is full of secrets just like a typical Satanic cult. We don’t need Mr. Inherit My Own Personal Planet When I Die as president.

    Liked by 1 person


    January 19, 2015 at 12:50 am

    • Can you provide the court docs regarding his tax evasion conviction? Romney came to the Winter Olympics well after the bribery scandal, but if you can provide some proof of that I’d be happy to review it. You seem very adept at leveling charges. Let’s see if you can provide some credible evidence of the same…



      January 19, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    • I am not sure of your understanding of the LDS aka Mormon religion, but I must correct you.All members believe in God the eternal Father and in His son Jesus Christ, they do not worship satan and are in no way a cult. Nothing is secret in this religion. If you don’t believe me ask any LDS misionary or member (including children who choose to become members at 8 years old) and they can answer almost any question you ask. They believe in helping others and following in Christs footsteps, similar to many otherbreligions today. Please do not make accusations where more knolwedge is clearly needed. I hope you get an opportunity to search this more because this is truly a divine and eye opening religion. Check out or and you’ll learn a lot.



      January 20, 2015 at 7:25 pm

  40. My thoughts about everyone saying Obama should be re-elected again because he is going to be “the best president ever” You can beat a dead horse but that’s not going to make him get up and walk.



    January 19, 2015 at 2:44 am

  41. Run Mitt Run! The third time is the charm.


    Bruce Preece

    January 19, 2015 at 10:35 am

  42. Obama os a treasonous scoundrel worse than Nixon, LBJ, Carter and Wilson combined.

    Romney has to answer to the people and God on why he passed Romney Care, helped get it passed and blamed it on the citizens that “that’s what they wanted” when… Its not what they wanted and it has ABORTION ATTACHED!!!

    He should be excommunicated!



    January 19, 2015 at 4:08 pm

  43. All of you make me laugh. You’re all so conditioned to specific reflexes that in order to shoot down Romney, you are actually putting forward Obama. And in turn due to Obama’s failure, the rest of you are throwing Romney at Obama like he would have been any better. Neither man was fit for the office. Romney because his political ideation was appropriate for the mid-to-late 1950’s (check the hair). His image is based on the premise that we want to go back to a BeaverCleaveresque America that never really existed, and that we can/want to do so during the age of high-speed internet. Obama because he served a total of 6 months in the Senate before people started talking about him being a presidential candidate. He was VP material at best at the time, and has proven to have not been qualified for even that job since. I will say this though, he has kept from starting World War 3 so far, which I assure you is far better than Romney would have been able to manage. When I had men like Ron Paul to choose from, I cannot help but feel I’ve been robbed of this nation’s greatest days by being made to endure the likes of Obama, or Romney instead!!!




    January 19, 2015 at 6:05 pm

  44. This is apposite, it should be saying “Top 10 to love Mitt Romney are”:
    1. Tall white, smart, rich and handsome
    2. Perfect
    3. Religious
    4. Devoted husband
    5. Devoted father
    6. Family oriented
    7. Helpful man
    8. He likes to help people who wants to
    Help themselves to improve their lives.
    9. He respect people who has self-esteem
    and self motivated
    10. Most of all that people should love him
    the most, Mitt Romney want to see that
    most people here in America are
    working, instead of just set there and
    wait for free something from the


    Esterlita Hudson

    January 19, 2015 at 7:25 pm

  45. Let’s actually consider voting for a candidate who will make the national debt a priority before our economy collapses and it no longer matters who’s in the White House…



    January 20, 2015 at 12:57 pm

  46. Whoever made this Blog is a complete Moron! : ) No questions asked…. Its a fact!


    James Deen

    January 20, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    • Thank you for that well thought and eloquently stated assessment.



      January 22, 2015 at 12:20 pm

  47. Gee, I know Mitt and a few members of his family, and, I can guarantee you, this article and the responses would make him grasp his sides and die laughing.


    Judith Ann Mayfield

    January 23, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    • The point of the article is both humor and irony. I would hope he would get a kick out of it.



      January 24, 2015 at 6:41 pm

  48. screw you all 😡


    Treyson Cullimore

    March 20, 2015 at 1:27 pm

  49. When looking at today’s choices, I think America has made a terrible mistake.


    Jim boy

    March 10, 2016 at 9:07 am

  50. Except the fact that Obama is a classic liberal and Romney is a Reagan republican, they do share a lot of outward character traits. (Romney’s record is s little more conservative than Reagan’s though)



    March 10, 2016 at 11:48 am

  51. All I can say is watch out Romney is on the warpath hes dangerous and hell get you.When hes there no one will stop him much better than stupid Trump any day


    Albert Weir

    March 12, 2016 at 4:42 am

  52. I like him but he blew it when Candy Crawley stepped in. He was a chicken and did not challenge what she was saying…. And that one big misstep cost him the election… SadlyNow he is against Trump. At least Trump will fight back.


    B Parker

    March 12, 2016 at 7:23 pm

  53. The truth is Romney isn’t running for president. So, what is the point of this article and all the fighting over? Have you seen the candidates running for 2016? America is doomed. I don’t even know if I can go to the polls this November and vote. Wish we could get a redo for the current running candidates.



    March 14, 2016 at 1:44 pm

    • The article went Viral during the last election cycle. It’s out there and people find it, enjoy it, and share it. That said, I share your concern regarding this election. Thanks for reading!



      March 16, 2016 at 9:49 am

  54. I still like Mitt Romney There is not 1 reason to HATE him He is AWESOME his wife and sons and grandkids are aweaome Im a stay at home mom I have worked doing childcare in my home in order to be there for my own kids as well Anyway I voted Mitt last time I wouldve this time but he didnt run for office I am MOST likley voting for Trump I would love it if Mitt could be his VP

    Liked by 1 person


    March 17, 2016 at 2:35 pm

  55. Sorry Craig, Romney is an embarrassment to the Church and and the members. He is a typical politician. Glad he is not running.


    Hal Williams

    April 29, 2016 at 5:08 pm

    • While I don’t agree with all of Romney’s political views, I believe he loves this country and is doing what he believes is right. I won’t judge his religious standing because I don’t know his heart.



      May 18, 2016 at 7:20 pm

  56. Mitt Romney is quite a guy but I cannot support his decision to denounce a candidate nominee that has gone through the entire process for the Republican party and for him not to be 100% behind the nominee


    Sylvia autel

    October 24, 2016 at 11:08 am

    • Even Paul Ryan is anti-Trump. Being my aginst Trump is a sign Romney is a moral and rational human being, not a Republican pawn.

      Liked by 1 person


      October 24, 2016 at 4:17 pm

  57. Just because mitt Romney is Mormon does not make him a good person. Look at all the foul language he’s called this president who is doing wonders for this country. He’s so jealous of all Trump had accomplished for the forgotten men and women of this country. Romney lives in a bubble and has no clue what the poor people of this country are going through. If he was so brilliant he would have won the presidency when he had a chance. All he had to do was pick condaleesa rice to be his vp but he chose another dummy who selfishly left his position to help the country to pursue his own selfish needs. By the way I am also Mormon and I will never use the kind of language he’s used to call this president who is turning this country around. He is still currently trying to bring Trump down. Shame on mitt Romney and his so called pure life.


    Bigkahuna with common sense

    August 2, 2019 at 8:53 pm

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